
Innovation really?

When put Class Viewer on SourceForge back February 2004 had no clue really what to expect. Had left the software industry in 2002 to focus on my math. Found my own way to count primes, which had not gone well as found myself bogged down in arguments with haters on Usenet, and needed something to feel better about myself. So I went with a tool which had started as practice for Java Certification exam, where not surprisingly had been working on learning Java Reflections. And originally was iterating what I knew was rough code, NOT designed which thought might turn into something where might refactor some day.

And now is still here. Iterating much dropped away as settled into being a basic tool which kind of did most of what I wanted as focused on my perspective as 9 downloads per day didn't look like success to me. But then SourceForge finally began showing countries, which did impress me.

And even at about 9 downloads per day, though below that now for some reason, when that is averaged more than a decade that's still not terrible, and it is a basic tool, which is not trying to be pretentious which asks software developers to do much, like edit an XML file, to configure. Will NOT give ability to configure from the app. Any time I think of it, am like, why bother? Is for Java developers. Editing XML in a text editor is EASY.

Yet also am surprised that did have some innovations that stood test of time. Like XML to configure, and having the app both web aware and looking to jump on the web for basic functions. Large GUI and simplified controls, all before mobile phones. And have considered if should make a smartphone version, and am like, not right now. Maybe later.

So glad needed a confidence boost over a decade ago. That math thing? STILL not properly acknowledged. But at least learned to not argue with haters about it! Figured out much more since then, and even better had the comfort of a solid product, and yeah, a single developer can maintain a small tool, without needing to iterate a lot, if it finds its place. Which to me is an innovation too, which should be championed.

Big room in open source for lots. And I think world should have it ALL. Why not?

Posted by James Harris 2017-08-31 Labels: behind the scenes

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