
ClassSimple / News: Recent posts

Alpha 0.3 released

Today I've released Alpha 0.3. While it is still recommended that you not use this release for production purposes, it does have a basic installation system that you may be able to use to try ClassSimple out. A few features, like the page editor, are still not compatible with the installer and thus would require significantly more work to get to work.

Highlights of this release are:

* Quiz modules – includes quiz construction, administration, and automatic grading with statistics. Importing grade results into grade module not supported yet.
* Basic installer
* Small modifications to most modules.

Posted by Jason Sexauer 2007-01-29

Alpha 0.1 released

I've put up a copy of the current version of ClassSimple. While much of the code is relatively stable, heavy (undocumented) modification will be required to make this work on your own server. An installation script will be included before the first beta release to ease in this process.

I will try to put a demo up with the next release.

Posted by Jason Sexauer 2007-01-22


Some things have come up that have stoped me from putting the first release out, so to keep you savy, I've posted some screenshots. Endjoy!

Hopefully, you will see the first alpha release by the end of the weekend.

Posted by Jason Sexauer 2007-01-19

ClassSimple on SourceForge!

I'm glad to now have a place on SourceForge to share this exciting piece of software. I hope to upload version 0.1 in the next few days.

Posted by Jason Sexauer 2007-01-17