
ClamWin / News: Recent posts

ClamWin Free Antivirus 0.37 released. Upgrade Immediately!

Version 0.36 had broken scanner that did not detect all viruses. This issue has been addressed in the release version 0.37. Everyone using version 0.36 please upgrade immediately.

Version 0.37 also fixes number of bugs/issues found in pevious releases:

* It finally works with non-English languagaes (if a user name contains non-English characters then a system language must be properly configured)
* Task priority setting works for scheduled scans
* "Display Popup Notifications Messages" setting is observed in full (before it showed popups in scheduled scans regardless)
* Wildcard filters work as they should
* It works for non-admin users and in a multi-user environment correctly... [read more](/p/clamwin/news/2004/11/clamwin-free-antivirus-037-released-upgrade-immediately/)
Posted by alch 2004-11-19

ClamWin Free Antivirus 0.36 released. Please upgrade

ClamWin Free Antivirus version 0.36 introduces faster checking for new virus database files using DNS queries. Please upgrade to the new version in order to reduce load on virus database servers.

It also fixes couple of annoying bugs such as:

* Failure to detect HTML viruses;
* Failure to operate correctly if a user name or profile folder name contains non-English characters (this often happened on a non-English version of MS Windows);
* Hanging and consuming 100% processor time when scanning a file with .. or .... in the file name;... [read more](/p/clamwin/news/2004/11/clamwin-free-antivirus-036-released-please-upgrade/)
Posted by alch 2004-11-15

ClamWin Antivirus 0.35.3 Released. Please upgrade

ClamAV made another leap forward and introduced new level of functionality (visit fro more details).
ClamWin Release 0.35.3 is a maintenance update with clamav binaries version 0.80. This will stop "Your ClamAV installation is OUTDATED - please update immediately!" when downloading virus database update.

Some other minor changes:
- Date header added to email alerts
- Setup should work for non-admin users (if you are upgrading a non-admin install please uninstall older version first)

Please upgrade as soon as possible and report any issues arising from this upgrade as I didn't have much time to test this release thoroughly.

Alch... read more

Posted by alch 2004-10-19

ClamWin Antivirus 0.35 Released

ClamWin Antivirus version 0.35 has been released.
ClamWin is a front-end to Clam Antivirus (also hosted on ClamWin includes scheduler, virus database updates, standalone scanner, context menu integration to MS Windows Explorer and Addin to MS Outlook.

This release fixes number of bugs, including critical ones as well as introduces new features and has got new looks (thanks to Sergei Pronin and Mia Kalenius from Finndesign). Last but not least this release comes with a PDF manual (thanks to Russell Phillips).... read more

Posted by alch 2004-05-14

ClamWin Antivirus 0.33 Released

ClamWin Antivirus version 0.33 has been released.
ClamWin is a front-end to Clam Antivirus (also hosted on ClamWin includes scheduler, virus database updates, standalone scanner, context menu integration to MS Windows Explorer and Addin to MS Outlook. Also features All-In-One MS Windows Setup. This release includes new features and bug fixes.

New Features:
- Implemented Email Alerts on virus detection
- Added optional tray notification messages for virus detection and database updates. ... read more

Posted by alch 2004-04-29

ClamWin 0.30 released

ClamWin version 0.30 has been released. ClamWin is a front-end (Microsoft and Gnome) to Clam Antivirus (also hosted on ClamWin includes scheduler, virus database updates, standalone scanner, context menu integration to MS Windows Explorer and Addin to MS Outlook. Also features All-In-One MS Windows Setup. This release includes a number of bug fixes and major enhancements.

Please upgrade as soon as possible due to new database functionality in clamav.... read more

Posted by alch 2004-04-23

ClamWin 0.22 Released. Please upgrade

Thanks to SourceForge users efforts I discovered and fixed a bug in archived files scanning. There was an incorrect parameter in --max-space= option to clmascan which prevented a lot of archived viruses from being detected. Anyway this is fixed now so please upgrade to version 0.22 <>

Other fixes include:

  • Outlook Addin fixed bug 930909 Outlook plugin could not check attachments with non-ascii characters in the filename
  • Database Updater - fixed bug 930691 Animation was incorrect in the DB Updater
  • Main Scanner - fixed bug 930478 Hidden folders were not shown in the UI
  • ExplorerShell - Fixed a resource leak (registry handle) in ExplorerShell
Posted by alch 2004-04-08

ClamWin 0.21 Released

Contains minor bug fixes and resolves compatibility issues for Outlook Addin with othe addins written in python (SpamBayes).

Posted by alch 2004-04-05

ClamWin Antivirus 0.2 Released

ClamWin Antivirus provides Graphical User Interface to Clam Antivirus scanning engine. It allows to select and scan a folder or file, configure settings and update virus databases. It also includes a Windows Taskbar tray icon. ClamWin also features a context menu handler for Windows Explorer which installs Scan into the right-click explorer menu for files and folders. This release adds an Addin to Microsoft Outlook which removes virus-infected attachments when an email is opened.... read more

Posted by alch 2004-04-02