
February 3rd "BlackWorm" Virus Threat

An Internet Worm known as "BlackWorm", "Blackmal", "MyWife", "Nyxem", etc. will delete files from a number of popular programs on February 3rd, and on the 3rd day of the month thereafter. Files which may be deleted by this worm include files ending with the extension of DOC, XLS, MDE, MDB, PPT, PPS, RAR, PDF, PSD, DMP, ZIP.

There is no reason to panic if you are a security conscious user and your computer has relevant virus protection. However it is recommended that you do a full scan before February 3rd to avoid unpleasant surprises.

ClamWin Free Antivirus detects this worm as Worm.VB-8. For more information and to download CalmWin Free Antivirus please visit our web site:

Posted by alch 2006-02-02

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