
#6 Action Prompt


I understand that because you are using the ported
ClamAV it might be difficult to prompt a from an action
when a virus is found during a scan. Is there a way u
can add a screen at the end of the scan that will list
each virus found and action to be taken.



  • alch

    alch - 2004-05-05

    Logged In: YES

    it already lists infected files and tells you what have been
    done in the scan results. However it is not possible to
    prompt before an action is taken.

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    Wouldn't it be posible to take a list of the reported infected
    files after the scan has been complete, and writing your own
    code to prompt then to remove/quarantine the files? and
    then depending on their selection u could execute a command
    to clam to scan that file with that specific action.

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    Wouldn't it be posible to take a list of the reported infected
    files after the scan has been complete, and writing your own
    code to prompt then to remove/quarantine the files? and
    then depending on their selection u could execute a command
    to clam to scan that file with that specific action.

  • alch

    alch - 2004-05-05

    Logged In: YES

    It is not a bad idea, thanks.

    I will investigate this option further and may add this to
    one of the future releases. The only problem I can see is
    that a virus may get a chance to run before it is
    deleted/quarantined (if a scan is rather long one) and then
    copy itself somewhere else.

  • alch

    alch - 2004-05-05

    Logged In: YES

    It is not a bad idea, thanks.

    I will investigate this option further and may add this to
    one of the future releases. The only problem I can see is
    that a virus may get a chance to run before it is
    deleted/quarantined (if a scan is rather long one) and then
    copy itself somewhere else.

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    I'm not sure you understand what i'm trying to say.

    Basicaly first scan would always be just a report, and after
    that u can choose a specific action for each infected file.


  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    sorry i was readying this top to bottom.


  • crazyeddie740

    crazyeddie740 - 2004-05-11

    Logged In: YES

    Speaking of which... i'm a sf noob, so why are new posts on
    top of old ones?


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