
#342 Move to Github or Gitlab


Since SourceForge now sell user data with Opt-Out its no more trustworthy.

Here the email output:

Dear Site Member,

Fair Processing Notice - Data Protection Act 1998

We are writing to let you know that with effect from 27 January 2016, the Slashdot Media business, which provides e-mail alerts and information campaigns and online services through our e-mail lists and various web sites including and (the "Slashdot Media Services") has been purchased by SourceForge Media LLC of 1660 Logan Avenue, San Diego, California, 92113, USA ("we" or "us").

As a result your personal data have been transferred to us and will be used in connection with the continued provision of the Slashdot Media Services to you. Your personal data will continue to be processed fairly and lawfully in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998 for the same purposes as those it was originally collected by Dice Career Solutions Inc and/or eFinancialCareers Limited including to:

    continue to provide you with information (by electronic means or otherwise) about other services we offer that are similar to those that you have already received or enquired about;
    carry out our obligations arising from any contracts entered into between you and us;
    provide you with the information and services you request from us;
    tell you about changes to the Slashdot Media Services; and
    ensure that the content made available through the Slashdot Media Services is presented in the most effective manner for you and your device.

Further information on how your personal data may be processed, who it may be disclosed to and how it will be stored can be found in the Slashdot Media Services privacy policy available at:

You can ask us to stop processing your personal data or contacting you for marketing purposes at any time. Please contact us at

Please let us know if you have any queries.

Yours sincerely,

Logan Abbott
The team at SourceForge Media LLCGeeknet Inc

See also the other user requests to move away from sourceforge: +


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