There is no one available to do any further work on Clam Sentinel. The
ClamWin people have had many opportunities to use clamd, but they always
decline to do so--they let the Clam AV people do all the development and
just pass through what will work on the Windows port for ClamWin--not
everything developed by Clam AV will work on their port.

Clam Sentinel is a bit slow in detection--especially when scanning with
ClamWin--it does not work in the kernel and does not do any other tricks to
control an executing file until it is determined to be safe. Are you sure
that Sentinel is not using clamd when it scans with ClamWin after the
heuristic scan? I was under the impression that Andrea Russo just used
ClamWin features for this scan, so if ClamWin is using Clamd, perhaps it is
also used by Sentinel. All Andrea does is just call the ClamWin scan from
within Sentinel, I think.


Robert Scroggins

On Wed, Jun 1, 2016 at 3:12 AM, Cedric Mingham

Status: open
Group: Next Release (example)
Labels: clamd daemon
Created: Wed Jun 01, 2016 08:12 AM UTC by Cedric Mingham
Last Updated: Wed Jun 01, 2016 08:12 AM UTC
Owner: nobody

I've been using ClamWin for a while. On old system with Windows XP Clam
Sentinel is very slow in detecting threads, also takes a lot of CPU usage.
Lately I found out how to configure clamd daemon to work as a Windows
Service. The basic features work with Clam Sentinel, but most of the
parameters are different. Though with the clamd daemon loaded to memory the
detection is really fast, it instantly reacts and causes less cpu activity.
Can you make Clam Sentinel work with clamd or make the used scan engine
settings more configurable? i used this:

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Feature Requests: #16