In addition to ransomware, Malvertising is another type of rampant malware. Malvertising, or malicious advertising, consists of the use of web advertisements to infect computers with malware.

Criminals will place their advertising banner on a web page that redirects a targeted computer to another web page that hosts an exploit that takes advantage of security deficiencies in browsers or other software on the target. The malware code initially "fingerprints" the targeted computer to look for weaknesses and then sends it an exploit that will work on it. The criminals get their advertising banner on the web page by tricking advertising placement companies. Sometimes they start with a valid/good advertising banner and later insert the malvertising code.

What can you do to protect your computer from malvertising? First keep all your software patched--not just your Windows operating system but all other software also--like office, PDF, etc. You should also use a real-time antivirus software that is set to update itself frequently. Finally, you can use Malwarebytes Free antimalware. The free version does not have a real-time AV scanner, but some exploits do not bother to work on a computer that is fingerprinted as having Malwarebytes on it. The free version is also very good at detecting infections that can get by your real-time AV and ClamWin/Clam Sentinel. Just run it a few times per week for extra protection.

There you have it--exploit prevention by patching and using a real-time AV and Malwarebytes Free, along with ClamWin/Clam Sentinel.
