Stuart Bramley - 2013-09-05

I encountered an error in cJSON when parsing JSON text that contains a long numeric value.

The error occurred parsing the following JSON response (from Twitter) :-

  "created_at": "Wed Sep 04 16:04:14 +0000 2013",
  "id": 375288199918391296,
  "id_str": "375288199918391296",
  "text": "Blue tweet. Sorry",
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Specifically, the error was with the "id" item - "id": 375288199918391296.
The error message I received is likely to be platform-specific (I am running this on an IBM i) and was "Invalid floating-point format change detected" - but essentially the code is trying to put the value 375288199918391296 into an int in the parse_number function - and the value being too large to fit into an int, it blows up.

The code currently does the following :

    return num;

I have amended this in my source to be :

    if (n<=INT_MAX && n>=INT_MIN)
    return num;

This works and allows the JSON to be parsed.. however I am not a C expert and this may not be the best approach to have taken?
