
#104 e! doesn't work on certain mixed-type arrays


e! throws an error when you mix types that aren't comparable, like:

[0 S]e!

I'm not entirely sure why that is, because m! does work, and equality can still be determined when using uncomparable types.


  • Martin Büttner

    Martin Büttner - 2016-07-01

    Sp3000 pointed out that this is because e! does an implicit sort. That seems like an even bigger issue actually, because it means I can't reliably pick out a specific permutation if I need to (and my input is unsorted). I always assumed e! would be equivalent to (but possibly faster than) m!_&.

  • aditsu

    aditsu - 2016-07-01

    e! uses a somewhat different algorithm. It generates the permutations in lexicographic order, and does not generate duplicates (to be removed at the end). It does need the elements to be comparable. An array of ten 0's and two 1's will have exactly 66 permutations rather than 479 million out of which 66 are distinct.

    • Martin Büttner

      Martin Büttner - 2016-07-01

      Right, but couldn't you just give the elements comparable identities? E.g. if the input is [1 2 "A" 2 'C "A" 'C [] []] then you'd turn that into [[0 1] [1 2] [2 "A"] [1 2] [3 'C] [2 "A"] [3 'C] [4 []] [4 []]. Now the first elements are comparable and you can run your algorithm based on those, and at the end you extract the second value of each pair.

  • aditsu

    aditsu - 2016-07-02

    Well, that would be possible, but it gets complicated. We'd need to get into the details of what it means to be comparable and which kinds of values are supposed to be equal, and then I'll need to do O(n^2) equality tests and define a semi-arbitrary order as you suggested. Anyway, I'll consider it.

    • Martin Büttner

      Martin Büttner - 2016-07-02

      I don't think the order is arbitrary at all. This behaviour would be consistent with how m! works for unsorted inputs. As for comparability, I'd just consider different types unequal, and then use the usual equality between elements of the same type (although it seems that = on two blocks always yields 0 - I'd consider blocks with equal string representation equal for this purpose, and NaNs as well). With these semantics you'd get all distinguishable permutations without discarding any indistinguishable ones.

  • aditsu

    aditsu - 2016-07-02

    Actually, the behaviour would be different from m!. In your example, the first permutation with e! would be [1 2 2 "A" "A" 'C 'C [] []]


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