
Updates to come

Greetings Folks.

Some of you will know who I am, many will not.
I am commonly known as "The Sarge", and I have been supporting (not programming, as I am no programmer) Circle Dock since our Beloved VideoInPicture suddenly vanished on us some 2+ years ago.

the folks here at SourceForge have kindly turned over Administration of this account to me and therefore "Team Circle Dock" Until VIP's return ;)

So what is the future of Circle Dock????
At the moment that is slightly up-in-the-air.
I am working with a volunteer programmer at this time to get some Major "Hot Topic" issues ironed out so that in the immediate future Circle Dock will work across 32bit and 64bit Windows OS properly, and also correct the Hard Drive recognition issues.

I am also considering adding Inno as an installer, but I am currently unsure about this move, and I am also considering OpenCandy attached to the installer (???)

All I ask at this time is for a bit more patients, as there will be no overnight advancement of Circle Dock as a whole, but a Move towards a full Beta is coming. No expected date of release at this time, but I will let you all know when I do.

If you have any questions, comments, or are in need of support.
Do not hesitate to come find me at community where these folks have been very gracious and helpful to all, by supplying support and forum space.

For the loyal users, I thank you for your years of use, and your incredible patients. I hope that I do not fail the responsibilities that I have gifted with.

The Sarge

Posted by Sgt. E. V. McKay 2010-11-14

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