
cingb / News: Recent posts

XVideo support implemented

cingb has got XVideo extension support. To try it, you need to check out the latest sources from the CVS repository.

It is now possible to scale the window as you wish without performance penalties.

Posted by Cinek 2006-08-18

V028A released

Finally. I have made a small pause, but the work I invested is worth to see (especially: hear).
I hope you have fun, especially with testing (which I miss so much!).

Posted by Cinek 2002-11-24

New joypad/joystick configuration

I have implemented a new configuration for joypads and joysticks. There is also a calibration routine now, so you won't need to modify the sources anymore to play games with a joypad.
The old static configuration has been removed.

FreeBSD and Solaris ports have been tested so far.

Posted by Cinek 2002-10-27

More FreeBSD support

I still need a few lines of code and I can release the next cingb version. Nothing happened here for such a long time!
(Btw, I still should be learning for my exams ... LOL!)

Posted by Cinek 2002-10-25

cingb with new (and also old) sound

There are some few changes made in the pre-release, which you can download from the CVS repository.
The sound has been improved. Most annoyances are already gone. Especially sound channel 4 has been improved.
There is also a bugfix for 32-bit systems. Noone told me that it crashes, but I found it out after I changed my VGA adapter.

I hope I didn't break compatibility with the previous systems. I cannot test properly, so any feedback is welcome. Thanks in advance.

Posted by Cinek 2002-10-23

Thinking about license change (tell me Your thoughts!)

I would like to change the license of cingb to the BSD-license. What do You think about it?

Posted by Cinek 2002-06-26

Threaded sound in CVS

I decided to make the sound in a separate thread, I hope this will make cingb slightly faster. Unfortunatelly, cingb will depend on libpthread now, when using sound. The sound emulation is still bad, but now it's enabled on default. I removed the switch -s and replaced it by -n to disable sound emulation. Things still need some testing.

Posted by Cinek 2002-02-28

Celebrating 10,000 page views !!!

Hey, one might say, cingb is popular! Thank you very much people. It's you who cause these action here. Unfortunatelly, I'm very busy here (learning for exams, taking care of my girlfriend). I haven't got enough time to hack around. Please forgive me people.

Posted by Cinek 2001-08-03

Glide release fix comming soon

I noticed that the Glide released was a bit
buggy after I've done some changes to unix.c for implementing the MITSHM support. Yesterday I tested it and will upload to CVS soon.

Posted by Cinek 2001-06-21

Thank You to nakai at FreeBSD dot org

A week ago, I was playing with Google a bit and
what did I notice? cingb is officially added to
the packages of FreeBSD. Wow, it makes me pretty
proud and I would like to thank Mr. Nakai for that. It was a very nice move of you. :)

Posted by Cinek 2001-06-20

Still waiting for comments ... :'(

If you have some time for me, You could give some remarks about cingb on this website. I'm not sure if there are problems, because I cannot test every single configuration. At least a comment like: "linux-distribution/version, it runs!" is enough.

Posted by Cinek 2001-06-14

What's new in V0.26A?

Nothing great. The sound becomes less and less annoying. That's the most important part. Then there is a modification in the debugger-engine. The LD-opcodes which refer to address from FF00-FFFF have been renamed to LDH. I decided to do that because at the moment I am writing a simple assembler-compiler for cingb and I want to keep everything homogenous and less confusing.

I will check-in the compiler to here or to the paip-project. I still cannot decide, but I really would like to promote my new project, so I'll try to do everything to make it comfortable with PAIP. Be prepared... hehehehe.

Posted by Cinek 2001-06-12

V025A tested on OpenBSD2.9

There was some troouble with the /dev/audio,
but it was implemented quickly. Some fixes
in the Makefile were needed.
I have to check, if the sound support on Solaris is ok.

Posted by Cinek 2001-06-09

V24A slightly better sound

I still discovered similar bugs as the ones which have been fixed in V23A in my sound interface. The sound is still a bit weird, but it's slowly acceptable, I think.
The debugger has been redesigned, I updated small parts, because they were made a few years ago and I had no idea how to do such things best in C.

Enjoy the new (secret release) and give me comments.

Posted by Cinek 2001-06-04

New release V0.23 alpha

Have fun trying out the sound support and don't forget to GZIP your files now!

Sorry, sourceforge makes trouble again and doesn't show my files. If you cannot imagine how the URL to download the files looks like, please go to

Posted by Cinek 2001-06-01

Thank You for the 2000 downloads!

Wow! I am amazed. 2000 is much in my opinion. I would really appreciate any comments. I know that there are bugs, but I am very busy with my other projects (especially PAIP).
I am still looking for developers. Please message me, if you are interested.

Posted by Cinek 2001-05-02

Help me make cingb faster!

As You can see, there is still a lot to do. Especially about efficiency. The routines which You can see in gameboy.c are quite old. The graphics calculations consume lots of time. Anyone who has got some time to help me with this problem?

Posted by Cinek 2001-03-29

2 days for MS-DOS support

Well, ... could have been 1 day, but I couldn't decide which compiler to take, yesterday. I still know about MS-DOS programming a bit and with the help of my old pascal sources and the FAQ by DJGPP team, I've been able to implement the keyboard support. So here it is! Have fun with the new port!

Posted by Cinek 2001-03-28

Scalable LCD display ?

Due to some activity here, I will try to implement a scalable display for cingb. I have to search my lecture writings (from graphical systems). I think I can use the Bresenhamm-Algorithm when I make it 2-dimesional. Hmmmm, I think I should be learning for my exam in 4 days, too, so don't be too excited about this announce. :)

Posted by Cinek 2001-03-17

cingb on rank 440 !

Wow. It seems we have got some fans. Thank you for your interest in this project. I'm still looking for developers, so give me your propositions.

Posted by Cinek 2001-03-16

cingb on freshmeat

cingb has been submitted on freshmeat.
Since Monday I got many hits on my page.
If there is someone who is interested in developing the project, please contact me.

Posted by Cinek 2001-02-01

Missing your feedback ...

I noticed that some people downloaded
the sources/binaries.
I would like to know, if the sources
compile, if the binaries work, etc...
Please be so kind and send me some
comments, thank you.

Posted by Cinek 2000-12-03

CVS works!

Thank You, Sourceforge team!
The project has got a CVS-server!
Let's begin to work! Developers
where are you ?

Posted by Cinek 2000-11-28

CVS server will be up as soon as possible

I still have troubles to import the sources
into my CVS-tree.
CVS server answers with "Permission denied.".
I tried to checkin from different places.
Even the SF-shell-account doesn't work.

Please, excuse me and stay patient.

Posted by Cinek 2000-11-21