
20 | cimit Syntax and test cases

Test cases

% # country directory
% cimit list countries
% cimit add country France
% cimit add country 'Russian Federation'
% cimit list countries
Russian Federation
% cimit rename country 'Russian Federation' Russia
% cimit list countries
% cimit delete country France
% cimit list countries
% cimit add country France
% cimit add country France
cimit: France is already in the list
% cimit rename country France Russia
cimit: Russia is already in the list
% cimit list countries
% ls /var/games/cimit/struct
France  Russia
% # organizations structure
% cimit add org UN # global organization
% cimit add orgs UN
cimit: UN is already exists
% cimit add dept Center
% cimit add depts Center
cimit: Center is already exists
% cimit add dept Comission Center # add department
% cimit add dept 'Section 1' Comission Center # located dept
% cimit list countries
% cimit add dept 'Section 3' Comission Romania # auto add country
% cimit list countries
% cimit list depts # all first level
1   UN       -
2   Center   -
% cimit recurse depts # all hier
1   UN
2   Center:
    3   Comission
        4   Section 1   France
        5   Section 3   Romania
% cimit add dept Section\ 1 CIA USA # auto add located org
% cimit list depts
1   UN       -
2   Center   -
6   CIA      USA
% cimit recurse depts
1   UN
2   Center:
    3   Comission:
        4   Section 1   France
        5   Section 3   Romania
6   CIA
    7   Section 1
% cimit list depts - # only global depts
1   UN       -
2   Center   -
% cimit add dept 'Section 1' CIA Romania
cimit: CIA already has got Section 1 dept
% cimit recurse depts - # depts of only global orgs
1   UN
2   Center:
    3   Comission:
        4   Section 1   France
        5   Section 3   Romania
% cimit add org Interpol # auto add global org
% cimit list depts -
1   UN         -
2   Center     -
8   Interpol   -
% cimit edit dept 4 city Paris
% cat /var/games/cimit/struct/France/4
Name:Section 1
Note:Section one
% cimit add org Police France
% cimit list depts --country France
9   Police   France
% cimit add dept Paris\ PD 9
% cimit view dept Paris\ PD
Paris PD (France) is a dept of Police (France).
Status: functioning
Code: 10
% cimit view dept 10
Paris PD (France) is a dept of Police (France).
Status: functioning
Code: 10
% cimit get dept 10 city
% cimit edit dept 10 city Paris
% cimit get dept 10 city
% cimit view dept Paris' PD
Paris PD (Paris, France) is a dept of Police (France).
Status: functioning
Code: 10
% cimit recurse depts --country France
9   Police   France
    10   Paris PD   France   Paris
% cimit add org 1 MI5 UK
% cimit list orgs --country 'U.*'
6   CIA   USA
11  MI5   UK
% cimit recurse orgs --country 'U.*'
6   CIA   USA
    7   Section 1
11  MI5   UK
    12   1   UK
% cimit get dept MI5 name
% cimit get dept 11 name
% cimit get dept MI5 code
% cimit rename dept MI5 MI-5
% cimit get dept 11 name
% cimit rename dept 11 MI5
% cimit get dept MI5 name
% cimit list depts CIA
7   Section 1   USA
% cimit recurse depts CIA
   7   Section 1   USA
% cimit list depts 6
7   Section 1   USA
% cimit recurse depts 6
   7   Section 1   USA
% cimit list depts 'C.*'
% cimit recurse depts 'C.*'
% cimit delete dept CIA
#TODO: delete empty dept by name demo
% cimit delete dept 6 --child u
#TODO: delete dept by code and make the parent dept to be parent
#      for deleted dept children demo
% cimit delete org CIA --child r
#TODO: recursive deletion of the organization by its name demo
% cimit delete depts CIA --child 1
#TODO: delete an org by its name and move its depts to new
#      parent specified by code demo
% cimit delete depts 6 --child UN
#TODO: delete an org by its code and move its depts to new
#      parent specified by name demo
% cimit delete depts 6 --child c
#TODO: ...and close child depts demo
% cimit get dept UN state
% cimit close dept UN
% cimit state dept UN
% cimit suspend org UN
cimit: UN is closed
% cimit reopen org UN
% cimit get org UN state
% cimit reopen org UN
cimit: UN is already functioning
% cimit resume org UN
cimit: UN is already functioning
% cimit suspend dept UN
% cimit resume org UN
% cimit get dept UN state
% # person directory
% ls /var/games/cimit/people
% cimit add man 'Marcelo Raymond'
% cimit add woman 'Sarah Salvador'
% ls /var/games/cimit/people
1 2
% cat /var/games/cimit/people/1
name:Marcelo Raymond
% cimit view person 'Sarah Salvador'
Person code 2
Name        Sarah Salvador
Gender      female
Condition   alive
% cimit view person 2
Person code 2
Name        Sarah Salvador
Gender      female
Condition   alive
% cimit add person 3
cimit: 3 is not a valid person name
% cimit get person condition 'Sarah Salvador'
% cimit get person name 1
Marcelo Raymond
% cimit get person name 3
% cimit add person 'Marcelo Raymond'
% cimit get person name 3
Marcelo Raymond
% cimit get person gender 3
% cimit get woman condition 'Marcelo Raymond'
% cimit edit person condition dead 'Marcelo Raymond'
cimit: there are several persons named Marcelo Raymond, use person code
% cimit get person code 'Marcelo Raymond'
% cimit edit person condition dead 3
% cimit get person condition 'Marcelo Raymond'
% cimit get person condition 3
% cimit get person condition 1
% cimit edit person code 3 4
cimit: code is the system field, it can not be edited
% cimit edit woman test_field 'some value' 'Sarah Salvador'
% cimit get woman test_field 2
some value

Scripts structure

/usr/local/sbin/cimit (1030) % ls -RFl
total 12
-rwxr-xr-x  1 nostoc  wheel    0 17 ноя 08:35 cimit*
lrwxr-xr-x  1 nostoc  wheel    7 17 ноя 08:32 countries@ -> country
drwxr-xr-x  2 nostoc  wheel  512 17 ноя 08:31 country/
lrwxr-xr-x  2 nostoc  wheel  512 17 ноя 08:34 department@ -> org
lrwxr-xr-x  1 nostoc  wheel   10 17 ноя 08:35 departments@ -> department
drwxr-xr-x  2 nostoc  wheel  512 17 ноя 08:33 org/
lrwxr-xr-x  1 nostoc  wheel    3 17 ноя 08:34 orgs@ -> org

total 0
-rwxr-xr-x  1 nostoc  wheel  0 17 ноя 08:30 add*
-rwxr-xr-x  1 nostoc  wheel  0 17 ноя 08:31 delete*
-rwxr-xr-x  1 nostoc  wheel  0 17 ноя 08:31 list*
-rwxr-xr-x  1 nostoc  wheel  0 17 ноя 08:31 rename*

total 0
-rwxr-xr-x  1 nostoc  wheel  0 17 ноя 08:34 add*
-rwxr-xr-x  1 nostoc  wheel  0 17 ноя 08:34 delete*
-rwxr-xr-x  1 nostoc  wheel  0 17 ноя 08:34 list*
-rwxr-xr-x  1 nostoc  wheel  0 17 ноя 08:34 rename*

total 0
-rwxr-xr-x  1 nostoc  wheel  0 17 ноя 08:33 add*
-rwxr-xr-x  1 nostoc  wheel  0 17 ноя 08:33 delete*
-rwxr-xr-x  1 nostoc  wheel  0 17 ноя 08:33 list*
-rwxr-xr-x  1 nostoc  wheel  0 17 ноя 08:33 rename*
/usr/local/sbin/cimit (1031) % 

Data structure


Posted by Ivan Bilimov 2015-11-16

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