
Supported Hardware

Victor H Olvera
Device Operating System Architecture CPU RAM
generic Intel Ubuntu i386 generic x86 4GB+
MXQ s805 Armbian ARM Cortex A5 Amlogic s805 1GB
Mini XPlus (H24) custom Debian ARM Cortex A8 Allwinner A10 1GB
PogoPlug v4 ArchLinux ARMv5te Marvell Kirkwood 128MB

Develompent is primarily done in a x86 PC running LinuxMint hence generic Intel hardware running Linux will be supported. I have a spare MXQ s805 that I want to use as my primary target to run VectorSigma. I believe the hardware requirements will be rather low and I would like to test VectorSigma on devices with light hardware. I have an old MiniX Plus and a PogoPlug v4 that I plan to use for performance testing. When the server is more stable and the platform is better understood I would like to implement VectorSigma on home routers that use opensource firmware. But that won't happen until sometime into the future.

I don't plan support for Windows or OS-X due to the fact I do not use those systems. Hopefully when the project gathers some attention someone will be encourage to add support for Windows and Mac machines.

I am sticking to gcc when ever possible. I believe the project is light enought to compile the code within the devices.