Activity for Common Image Generator Interface (CIGI)

  • Some Dude Some Dude modified a comment on discussion Help

    @c_schroeder Thanks for the response. This is on the windows platform. I got the library from SourceForge and built it myself as a static library. I used the latest version. I want my IG to be passive only at the moment as we are testing a new software. We will eventually go towards the synchronous mode but now, we just want to see something on the screen. I edited the pointer line myself just to test it out. I was wrong about the start of frame packet, the host was only sending the packet for IG...

  • Some Dude Some Dude posted a comment on discussion Help

    @c_schroeder Thanks for the response. This is on the windows platform. I got the library from SourceForge and built it myself as a static library. I used the latest version. I want my IG to be passive only at the moment as we are testing a new software. We will eventually go towards the synchronous mode but now, we just want to see something on the screen. I was wrong about the start of frame packet, the host was only sending the packet for IG Control. The three output buffers was just a test to...

  • C. Schroeder C. Schroeder modified a comment on discussion Help

    Hi, and welcome to CIGI. A little more background information would be helpful. I'm guessing from the m_Net.openSocket() method this is on the Windows platform, correct? Did you build the ccl_lib from source, did your co-worker build it from source, or did you get a pre-built DLL from somewhere? I've not built the ccl 4.0 lib yet, but version 3.3 is only dependent upon the MS CRT lib. If you are seeing a lot of dependent libs, I suspect those would be coming from your network module that you use...

  • C. Schroeder C. Schroeder posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi, and welcome to CIGI. A little more background information would be helpful. I'm guessing from the m_Net.openSocket() method this is on the Windows platform, correct? Did you build the ccl_lib from source, did your co-worker build it from source, or did you get a pre-built DLL from somewhere? I've not built the ccl 4.0 lib yet, but version 3.3 is only dependent upon the MS CRT lib. If you are seeing a lot of dependent libs, I suspect those would be coming from your network module that you use...

  • Some Dude Some Dude posted a comment on discussion Help

    The "Length from here" and the "CIGI out size" were just for debugging. The length is always coming out to be 24.

  • Some Dude Some Dude posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hey guys, this is my first time working with CIGI. There is usually another person in my organization responsible for this but now he is working on something else and the problem has come to me. Using the C++ static library, I built a CIGI object that will just send location of a single object (ownship) to my IG. I have built everything but am facing an issue with the Outgoing message. The outgoing message only contains the Start of Frame Packet. I tried building the example miniHost first but it...

  • Daniel Carter Daniel Carter posted a comment on discussion Help

    Funny enough, I attempted that solution on my first Install of the Hemu and MPV, but It works just fine with a fresh install. Thank you very much.

  • C. Schroeder C. Schroeder posted a comment on discussion Help

    Updating the paths in config\sky.def will get the skydome working correctly.

  • C. Schroeder C. Schroeder modified a comment on discussion Help

    OK, to get MPV minimally operational on Windows, I downloaded: I unpacked all of them to my C:\Temp directory: C:\Temp\HostEmulator_Win32_v3.3.3 C:\Temp\mpv_content_2006-01-11 C:\Temp\mpv-2.2.0-win32 I changed my C:\Temp\mpv-2.2.0-win32\config\system.def file to use: system { // The IP address of the host. host_addr = ""; // The port that the host will be listening on. host_port = 8001; // The port that this program...

  • C. Schroeder C. Schroeder posted a comment on discussion Help

    OK, to get MPV minimally operational on Windows, I downloaded: I unpacked all of them to my C:\Temp directory: C:\Temp\HostEmulator_Win32_v3.3.3 C:\Temp\mpv_content_2006-01-11 C:\Temp\mpv-2.2.0-win32 I changed my C:\Temp\mpv-2.2.0-win32\config\system.def file to use: system { // The IP address of the host. host_addr = ""; // The port that the host will be listening on. host_port = 8001; // The port that this program...

  • C. Schroeder C. Schroeder posted a comment on discussion Help

    OK, I will need to setup a test environment so I can look at this with you.

  • Daniel Carter Daniel Carter modified a comment on discussion Help

    Good Afternoon, Your solution worked! Now I just got to reconfigure the MPV to work with HEMU 4, Thank you very much. Edit: I just realized the MPV is only configured for HEMU 3.3 and lower Daniel

  • Daniel Carter Daniel Carter posted a comment on discussion Help

    I am running Windows

  • C. Schroeder C. Schroeder posted a comment on discussion Help

    Actually, entity ID 0 is classically associated with the Ownship entity, which may or may not have a 3D model attached to the entity - it depends on your use case, but it is not a requirement. You are free to allocate entity IDs as you see fit for your application. Just in case alpha is an issue, I would try setting alpha to 255 for debugging. I confess it has been a while since I last used MPV and I don't have a current setup to look at right now. Which platform are you using for MPV: Windows or...

  • Daniel Carter Daniel Carter modified a comment on discussion Help

    Good Afternoon, Your solution worked! Now I just got to reconfigure the MPV to work with HEMU 4, Thank you very much. Daniel

  • Daniel Carter Daniel Carter posted a comment on discussion Help

    Good Morning, Your solution worked! Now I just got to reconfigure the MPV to work with HEMU 4, Thank you very much. Daniel

  • chas whitley chas whitley posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi Daniel, Sorry, I meant which revision. I don't have VS 2022, but I have VS 2010, 2013, 2015 and 2017. I think I can reproduce your linker error with 2015 and 2017. To resolve the issue Open the Solution Explorer, Right Click on HEmuDrv, Select Properties. Select "Linker|Input|Additional Dependencies", remove libcmt.lib. Then Select "Linker|Input|Ignore All Default Libraries", clear/delete this option. Chas

  • Daniel Carter Daniel Carter posted a comment on discussion Help

    Good Morning, I am currently trying to use Hemu 4.0. Thanks Daniel

  • chas whitley chas whitley posted a comment on discussion Help

    Good afternoon Daniel, I've been handling configuration management for HEmu 4.0. What version of HEmu are you using? FYI, I'll be away from a computer until Sunday afternoon. I'll take a look at your issue and try to get you a response by COB Monday evening. Standing by... Thanks Chas

  • Daniel Carter Daniel Carter modified a comment on discussion Help

    I am having an issue running the Host Emulator for CIGI 4.0. The real-time driver will not load and the project HemuDrv currently has 87 errors upon compilation without modification with the common error codes being LNK 2019 and LNK 2001. This issue prevents me from properly testing the HEMU4 with the MPV. Note: SDK for the latest DirectX is installed and the Multibyte libraries for MFC are installed on VS 2022. Open Scene Graph has also been installed properly for the MPV Please Advise

  • Daniel Carter Daniel Carter posted a comment on discussion Help

    I am having an issue running the Host Emulator for CIGI 4.0. The real-time driver will not load and the project HemuDrv currently has 87 errors upon compilation without modification with the common error codes being LNK 2019 and LNK 2001. This issue prevents me from properly testing the HEMU4 with the MPV. Note: SDK for the latest DirectX is installed and the Multibyte libraries for MFC are installed on VS 2022 Please Advise

  • Daniel Carter Daniel Carter modified a comment on discussion Help

    I managed to get the terrain to render after configuring the .def files for the terrain, however whenever I try to spawn in entities such as 118(f18c) I've got nothing, the view is properly attached to the entity and I don't use entity id 0 as I understand that is meant more as a floating camera. I have attempted to change the cameras offset so that the viewmodel might be visible with no success. I've also spawned separate entities in hopes that I would be able to see the separate entities. Entity...

  • Daniel Carter Daniel Carter posted a comment on discussion Help

    I managed to get the terrain to render after configuring the .def files for the terrain, however whenever I try to spawn in entities such as 118(f18c) I've got nothing, the view is properly attached to the entity and I don't use entity id 0 as I understand that is meant more as a floating camera. I have attempted to change the cameras offset so that the viewmodel might be visible with no success. I've also spawned separate entities in hopes that I would be able to see the separate entities.

  • C. Schroeder C. Schroeder created a blog post

    PHP updated

  • C. Schroeder C. Schroeder posted a comment on discussion Help

    There appear to be two issues here: the TIFF plug-in is not being found and the terrain data is not being found. Which operating system are you running this on? The sample St. Louis terrain data must be downloaded and installed separately. Have you done this? If so, the terrain config file will need to be updated to point to it.

  • Daniel Carter Daniel Carter posted a comment on discussion Help

    I am very new to using the MPV with HEMU3.3. I've gotten the MPV to connect to HEMU, however there seems to be an issue when it comes to rendering anything other than a black and white screen. According to CMD it appears to be having an issue loading the database for St.Louise. please advise as the MPV wiki is currently down.

  • RolandH RolandH committed [r831]

    - Fixed -S switch in linux build script

  • RolandH RolandH committed [r830]

    - Changed the readme to have basic instructions for cmake builds for windows / linux

  • RolandH RolandH committed [r829]

    - Added build options for disabling exception handling, event processing and signal processing

  • RolandH RolandH committed [r828]

    - Added very simple bash script for linux build

  • RolandH RolandH committed [r827]

    - Fixed vs build string check

  • RolandH RolandH committed [r826]

    - Fixes from Paul Slade

  • Michel Nault Michel Nault posted a comment on discussion Help

    Thank you Sir.

  • C. Schroeder C. Schroeder posted a comment on discussion Help

    Here is a small example of adding components to an entity definition in HEMU3: entity { name = "f18c"; type = 118; class = fixedwing; component { name = "PositionLights"; id = 0; def_state = 0; state { name = "off"; value = 0; } state { name = "on"; value = 1; } } component { name = "AntiCollisionLights"; id = 1; def_state = 0; state { name = "off"; value = 0; } state { name = "on"; value = 1; } } } Hopefully this and the HEMU3 help file documentation will get you on track to meet your entity control...

  • Kong Wei Kong Wei modified a comment on discussion Help

    Thanks for your reply! Could you give me some examples for how to define such componets and articulated parts? my current entities.def file just added in my own aircraft as below: entity { name = "CJ6"; type = 9; class = fixedwing; } In my case, if I use the build-in send short component control packet function with following value or refer to attached screenshot, will execute the propeller turning animation: Componetn Class: 0 Entity Instance ID: 0 Component ID: 20 (engine 1) Component State: 0...

  • Kong Wei Kong Wei posted a comment on discussion Help

    Thanks for your reply! Could you give me some examples for how to define such componets and articulated parts? my current entities.def file just added in my own aircraft as below: entity { name = "CJ6"; type = 9; class = fixedwing; } In my case, if I use the build-in send short component control packet function with following value or refer to attached screenshot, will execute the propeller turning animation: Componetn Class: 0 Entity Instance ID: 0 Component ID: 20 (engine 1) Component State: 0...

  • C. Schroeder C. Schroeder posted a comment on discussion Help

    My apologies for my tardy reply. In order to use scripting for these controls, you will need to define your entity type(s) and respective component parts in the HEMU3 entities.def configuration file. The HEMU3 script engine does type checking for these items, but the raw packet dialog does not. Best regards, Curt

  • Kong Wei Kong Wei posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi, I would like to send short component control packet to control the propeller of the aircraft and send short articulated part control packet to control the landing gear of the aircraft, and all these peckets can be send successful through the send packet function with specified part ID/ component ID and values. However, when I try to send those packets through the script as below, will get the error message about invalid articulated part/component specified: //Try to set propeller for entity 0...

  • Common Image Generator Interface (CIGI) Common Image Generator Interface (CIGI) released /CIGI 4 Host Emulator/HE 4.0.1 Source/DirectX+MFC Installers/DXSDK_Jun10.exe

  • Common Image Generator Interface (CIGI) Common Image Generator Interface (CIGI) released /CIGI 4 Host Emulator/HE 4.0.1 Source/DirectX+MFC Installers/vc_mbcsmfc.exe

  • Common Image Generator Interface (CIGI) Common Image Generator Interface (CIGI) released /CIGI 4 Host Emulator/HE 4.0.1 Source/HostEmulator_v4_vc10

  • Common Image Generator Interface (CIGI) Common Image Generator Interface (CIGI) released /CIGI 4 Host Emulator/HE 4.0.1 Source/HostEmulator_v4_vc12

  • Common Image Generator Interface (CIGI) Common Image Generator Interface (CIGI) released /CIGI Class Library (CCL)/CCL Version 4.0.6a/ccl_4_0

  • RolandH RolandH committed [r825]

    - Fixed basic linux compilation

  • RolandH RolandH committed [r824]

    - Removed visual studio solution as this has been superceded by the cmake build

  • RolandH RolandH committed [r823]

    - Updated for CIGI 4.0 support (based on ccl_4_0 rev6a distribution)

  • RolandH RolandH committed [r822]

    - Added Host Emulator for CIGI 4.0 (from v4 rev4 distribution with some minor modifications)

  • J. Huifeng J. Huifeng modified a comment on discussion Help

    Thanks for your help! I have already found a way to slove my problem!

  • J. Huifeng J. Huifeng posted a comment on discussion Help

    Thanks for your help! I have already find a way to slove my problem!

  • C. Schroeder C. Schroeder posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi, can elaborate a bit more on what you are looking for and which operating system you want to target? The stand-alone demo environment is to download the CIGI Host Emulator 3 and the CIGI Multi-Purpose Viewer (and associated MPV Content). The host emulator only runs on Windows. If you are looking to implement either your own host or image generator, there are two open source CIGI libraries to choose from to manage the sending & receiving of CIGI messages over a transport protocol. Best regards,...

  • J. Huifeng J. Huifeng posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi all, Can anyone send me a demo of CigiMiniHostGroupSandbox please, thanks!

  • RolandH RolandH committed [r821]

    - Creating 4.0 branch to test before merging into trunk

  • Common Image Generator Interface (CIGI) Common Image Generator Interface (CIGI) released /CIGI Class Library (CCL)/CCL Version 4.0.4/ccl_4_0

  • Common Image Generator Interface (CIGI) Common Image Generator Interface (CIGI) released /CIGI Class Library (CCL)/CCL Version 4.0.4/ccl_4_0

  • Scott Devine Scott Devine posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Bugs: There is no SignalJump for EntityPositionCtrl or AnimationCtrl in CigiIncomingMsg::SignalJump in CigiIncomingMsg.cpp There is no OnEntityPositionCtrl in CigiBaseSignalProcessing.

  • Common Image Generator Interface (CIGI) Common Image Generator Interface (CIGI) released /CIGI Class Library (CCL)/CCL Version 4.0.3/

  • chas whitley chas whitley posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Good morning, The following 4.0 CCL errors were reported by Elliot Catalano (DiamondVisionics). I will forward the updated files asap. CigiBaseSymbolTexturedPolygonDef.cpp: • Copy Constructor: • SymbolID = BaseIn.TextureID; changed to TextureID = BaseIn.TextureID; Reason: The copy constructor was incorrectly copying in TextureID into SymbolID rather than TextureID • Copy Operator: • SymbolID = BaseIn.TextureID; changed to TextureID = BaseIn.TextureID; Reason: The copy constructor was incorrectly...

  • Common Image Generator Interface (CIGI) Common Image Generator Interface (CIGI) released /CIGI 4 Host Emulator/HE 4.0.1 Source (VC10)/

  • Common Image Generator Interface (CIGI) Common Image Generator Interface (CIGI) released /CIGI Class Library (CCL)/CCL Version 4.0.2/cigi_ccl_src_ver_4_0

  • Common Image Generator Interface (CIGI) Common Image Generator Interface (CIGI) released /CIGI Class Library (CCL)/CCL Version 4.0.0/cigi_ccl_src_ver_4_0

  • C. Schroeder C. Schroeder posted a comment on discussion Help

    The link to the MPV wiki ( is currently broken. Kind regards, Curt

  • Paul Slade Paul Slade posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    If anyone is interested in downloading and testing the CIGI 4.0 version of the CCL libraries, see the CIGI 4.0 CCL in Beta thread on the SISO CIGI PSG discussion forum, Please provide testing feedback on that thread rather than here.

  • C. Schroeder C. Schroeder modified a comment on discussion Help

    Is your view frustum attached to the entity you created with a valid EntityType or to a second entity that is nearby? If it is the former, did you add an adequate view offset to ensure the view frustum is outside the geometry of the model selected by the EntityType? If the view frustum is inside the model geometry and the model does not have backface polygon rendereing enabled (they typically do not), then you will see little or no geometry rendered. If it is the latter, have you confirmed the two...

  • C. Schroeder C. Schroeder modified a comment on discussion Help

    Is your view frustum attached to the entity you created with a valid EntityType or to a second entity that is nearby? If it is the former, did you add an adequate view offset to ensure the view frustum is outside the geometry of the model geometry selected by the EntityType? If the view frustum is inside the model and the model does not have backface polygon rendereing enabled (they typically do not), then you will see little or no geometry rendered. If it is the latter, have you confirmed the two...

  • C. Schroeder C. Schroeder posted a comment on discussion Help

    Is your view frustum attached to the entity you created with a valid EntityType or to a second entity that is nearby? If it is the former, did you add an adequate view offset to ensure the view frustum is outside the geometry of the model geometry selected by the EntityType? If the view frustum is inside the model geometry and the model does not have backface polygon rendereing enabled (they typically do not), then you will see little or no geometry rendered. If it is the latter, have you confirmed...

  • Nilaya Nilaya modified a comment on discussion Help

    Hi, Thank You for the reply. Yes you are right, now finally my MPV is configured and now I can see the terrain. In addition to this, now when I want to load any model(exsting) by going to : (Actions->Send Packet->Entity Control ) After filling all values Entity Id/type, state to active, animation state to play, lat/lon and altitude, when I press SEND button, I am unable to see that entity model on MPV player. Iit should load near to the Arc model, which is location by default. The 3d model paths...

  • Nilaya Nilaya modified a comment on discussion Help

    Hi, Thank You for the reply. Yes you are right, now finally my MPV is configured and now I can see the terrain. In addition to this, now when I want to load any model(exsting) by going to : (Actions->Send Packet->Entity Control ) After filling all values Entity Id/type, state to active, animation state to play, lat/lon and altitude, when I press SEND button, I am unable to see that entity model on MPV player. By it should load near to the Arc model. The 3d model paths inside entityVisuals.def file...

  • Nilaya Nilaya posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi, Thank You for the reply. Yes you are right, now finally my MPV is configured and now I can see the terrain. In addition to this, now when I wnat to load any model(exsting) by going to : (Actions->Send Packet->Entity Control ) After filling all values Entity Id/type, state to active, animation state to play, lat/lon and altitude, when I press SEND button, I am unable to see that entity model on MPV player. By it should load near to the Arc model. The 3d model paths inside entityVisuals.def file...

  • C. Schroeder C. Schroeder posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    A beta version of the CCL that include v4.0 support exists, but has not been uploaded yet to SourceForge. There is also a second, clean-sheet development, libcigi, that supports v4.0.

  • C. Schroeder C. Schroeder posted a comment on discussion Help

    Sounds like there are two things happening here. First, if you request an EntityType in an EntityControl packet that is not configured in MPV, it displays a default red object model to alert you to the error. Second, your view is being attached to the entity you create without enough offset from the entity position, so the view is very close to or inside the entity model. Hope this helps, Curt

  • Nilaya Nilaya posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hello Friends, I just started to use CIGI HEv3 and MPV(v2.2.0) Viewer, but I am facing a problem. When I add a new entity in the host simulator, the MPV screen goes completly red in color and it is difficult to see the terrain. Can someone help me out with the solution?

  • Greg Basler Greg Basler posted a comment on discussion Help

    The last version of CCL to have CigiEventList.h was 1.7.5. That version is fairly old. However, you may want to download that version ( or ccl_1.7.5.tar.gz) and try it.

  • C. Schroeder C. Schroeder posted a comment on discussion Help

    As it happens, I recently built the 'ccl_3_3_3a.tar.gz' on Linux. I can confirm there is not a 'include/cigicl/CigiEventList.h' file in the installation. Is it possible 'CigiEventList.h' is part of the application code base and your build environment is not finding it?

  • nick nick posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hello all. I am tasked to get an old program up and running for testing and i have had to install alot of libs. One of them is the Cigi:cll. Installing this lib has reduced me to one fatal error. that error is /usr/local/include/cigicl/CigiEventList.h file is not found. I have installed the ccl_3_3_3.tar.gz and have tried the ccl_3_3_3a.tar.gz and both timwe i get the same error. is this header file in an old version of ccl or am i intsalling the wrong thing?

  • C. Schroeder C. Schroeder posted a comment on discussion Help

    First, my apologies for not looking at this sooner. There appears to be a minor GUI bug in HEMU 3.3.3. If you select your "Front" view in the Views tab, then select another view, and then re-select your "Front" view you should then see the view component listed in the Components box.

  • C. Schroeder C. Schroeder posted a comment on discussion Help

    I've encountered a one character bug in the CCL 3.3.3a 'configure' script that causes the script to hang when executed on a Linux PC with a RHEL 2.6.32-696.23.1.el6.x86_64 kernel. I don't have permission to open a bug ticket, so I'm posting it here. Adding one character fixes the problem. < { < cat <<_ASUNAME -- > { > cat <<\_ASUNAME I'm not a automake expert, so I don't know if the automake environment simply needs to be regenerated on a newer platform to correct this bug or if the fix needs to...

  • C. Schroeder C. Schroeder posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi Alexander, Looking at the excerpt you posted, it looks syntactically correct to me. Are you using HEMU 3.3.3 or an earlier version? The sample 'Views.def' file included with HEMU 3.3.3 includes a component for View 0: Front and is shown in the Components tab when selected in the Views tree list. Can you upload the complete 'Views.def' file you are using?

  • Alexander Baller Van Atta Alexander Baller Van Atta posted a comment on discussion Help

    I guess it did not like the photo tag. Photo can be viewed here:

  • Alexander Baller Van Atta Alexander Baller Van Atta posted a comment on discussion Help

    Maybe I do not understand how its supposed to work, but I have the following View defined in my host emulator Views.def file. VIEW { NAME = "Front"; ID = 0; GROUP = 1; TYPE = 0; PROJECTION_TYPE = PERSPECTIVE; REPLICATION_MODE = NONE; MIRROR_MODE = NONE; X_OFFSET = 0; Y_OFFSET = 0; Z_OFFSET = 0; YAW = 0; PITCH = 0; ROLL = 0; TOP = 16.875; BOTTOM = -16.875; LEFT = -20; RIGHT = 20; NEAR = 5; FAR = 147975; COMPONENT { NAME = "View Component 1"; ID = 4002; INSTANCE_ID = -1; DEF_STATE = 0; STATE { NAME...

  • C. Schroeder C. Schroeder posted a comment on discussion Help

    Can you explain in more detail why you believe CIGI 4.0 prevents on-the-fly entity creation? The only significant difference between CIGI 3.x vs. 4.0 regarding entity creation was the split of the Entity Control packet into a smaller Entity Control packet for entity creation and infrequent control parameters and the new Entity Position packet for the frame-by-frame entity position updates. CIGI 4.0 also adds entity Animation Control, Velocity Control, & Acceleration Control packets. If you want to...

  • Michael Michael posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hello, After reading the CIGI 4.0 standard, it seems like we are unable to create new entities on the fly and that the entities and their IDs must be known ahead of time. This is kind of insane to me, as it's a common case that a user would want to add X amount of an entity at runtime. For example, we have customers who will place X amount of vehicles on a map. Do we really need to guess (and thus limit) the number of ModelA's the user might place and do something like this? ModelA is ID 1 ModelA...

  • Talha Farooq Talha Farooq posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hello, I have been trying to implement a basic host, I have managed to control the entity using the EntityControl class, but I am unable to rotate an articulated part present in the simmodel of that entity. Related code is as below, /* CIGI messaging */ // Reference an Outgoing Message Manager CigiOutgoingMsg &Omsg = *OmsgPtr; // Step 13 : Call the Outgoing message object "BeginMsg()" method to initialize the message Omsg.BeginMsg(); // The normal per frame sequence of the operation of the HOST //...

  • Eric Stoecker Eric Stoecker posted a comment on discussion Help

    We're using 1.7.5 of the ccl, but it seems like CigiWeatherCtrlV3::SetWindDir in ccl 3.3.3 still has the inconsistency with the ICD v3.3

  • Bill Bill posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi Eric, As the ICD is the document everyone should follow I would suggest the ICD should be considered correct. What version of the CCL and ICD are you working with? -Bill- From: Eric Stoecker [] Sent: Monday, June 19, 2017 4:31 PM To: [cigi:discussion] Subject: [cigi:discussion] Weather Control - Wind Direction convention inconsistent between CIGI class library & CIGI ICD Hello, I think the Weather Control - Wind Direction Convention...

  • Eric Stoecker Eric Stoecker posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hello, I think the Weather Control - Wind Direction Convention is inconsistent between the CIGI class library & the CIGI ICD. The class library seems to be enforcing a +/- 180 deg convention, while the ICD specifies the convention as 0-360. Which do you consider correct? Thanks, -Eric

  • John Fletcher John Fletcher posted a comment on discussion Help

    Thanks Bill! We do indeed want to be CIGI compliant, as we had hoped our application could be used on any CIGI Compliant IG.

  • Bill Bill posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi John, The simple answer is yes, you need to pre-pend an IG Control packet, but only if you desire to be CIGI compliant. It appears the IG you are working with is, as it is complaining about not receiving the IG Control packet. -Bill- From: John Fletcher [] Sent: Thursday, May 25, 2017 8:45 AM To: [cigi:discussion] Subject: [cigi:discussion] Requesting data from a CIGI IG from a non-host application Hello, We are attempting to send...

  • John Fletcher John Fletcher posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hello, We are attempting to send HAT/HOT requests to a CIGI compliant IG from a secondary application (i.e. NOT a simulation host). At the risk of asking a silly question, does CIGI allow this to happen? From what we understand, it seems that we have to include an IG control packet as the first packet in a CIGI message sent to an IG. However our aplication is independent of a simulation host, so it can't generate a valid IG control packet. Sending a CIGI message to the IG without an IG Control packet...

  • John Wintle John Wintle posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi there, I have an issue that I would like some help with if I may. I have a terrain...

  • can özgen can özgen modified a comment on discussion Help

  • can özgen can özgen posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hello, i'm using CIGI IG 3.3. I'm learnig it. However i have a problem, when i double...

  • can özgen can özgen modified a comment on discussion Help

  • can özgen can özgen posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi i'm new to CIGI IG, and i want to create new tests. I'm using mpv 2.2 win32 right...

  • Bill Bill posted a comment on discussion Help

    George, I don't feel this was a waste of time. Good cooperation for a good result....

  • george graham george graham posted a comment on discussion Help

    It all becomes clear now. I downloaded the 'mpv content' to get the database, updated...

  • Bill Bill posted a comment on discussion Help

    George, This is what I have heard back from the MPV developer... "It is as I suspected....

  • george graham george graham posted a comment on discussion Help

    Sorry missed this until you prompted me. Please see attached.

  • george graham george graham posted a comment on discussion Help

    Sorry missed this until you prompted me. Please see attached.

  • Bill Bill posted a comment on discussion Help

    George, Terrain models are handled differently that "entities" so I am not surprised...

  • george graham george graham posted a comment on discussion Help

    Entity Type 118 is the F18C from mpv_content_2006-01-11. By way of an experiment,...

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