
Cicero Word Generator / News: Recent posts

SVN Repo disabled.

The SVN repository for Cicero has been disabled. We are now using git. We have a git repositories github at

Posted by Aviv Keshet 2011-04-05

Switching from SVN to Git

I have migrated the SVN source code repository over to git, because git is faster, better, and more reliable. Some time in the not-too-distant future, i will disable the SVN repo.

Posted by Aviv Keshet 2011-03-17

Cicero 1.40 Released

Cicero 1.40, out today!

Lots of new features since the last news item, too many for me to recall. The latest nifty one is the ability to create "Timestep Groups", and have the run loops. Useful for repeating operations in your sequences.

Posted by Aviv Keshet 2010-06-16

Cicero 1.28 Released

The latest version of Cicero supports FPGA-based synthesis of variable frequency clocks for use with its "variable timebase" feature.

Posted by Aviv Keshet 2009-02-25

Cicero 1.2 Released

Bug Fixes

Fixed an important intermittent bug that could occur if multiple analog groups were running at the same time and a variable timebase was in use.

New Features

Preliminiary support for National Instruments microwave synthesizers, such as the PXI-5650.

Posted by Aviv Keshet 2008-10-01

Cicero 1.17 Released

First version of Cicero to be posted to sourceforge. If it seems convenient, sourceforge may become the distribution tool for future releases.

Posted by Aviv Keshet 2008-08-28