
CHT - Cartesian HTML Table / News: Recent posts

MSIE6 Full compatibility!

It's a pleasure to announce that CHT finally reached full compatibility with MSIE6 including automatic event handler attachment!
This new version also features a great deal of code optimization. Enjoy!

Posted by Anonymous 2008-09-09

Upcoming MSIE support

It seems that it's not possible to set the event handlers on MSIE (at least on version 6, I'm still researching about version 7), so an automated workaround is in the oven right now. Stay tuned as version 1.1 will be out in a few days!

Posted by Anonymous 2008-03-06

Version 1.0 is out!

The first stable version of CHT is finally available. For the time being there's no support for MSIE, but it will be added ASAP, as some testing with different browsers.


Er Galvão Abbott

Posted by Anonymous 2008-02-03