"WebKit Remote Debugging Protocol" is a Google Chrome/Chromium debug protocol. You will find its description at http://developers.google.com/chrome-developer-tools/docs/remote-debugging.
This protocol is natively used by in-browser Developer Tools. Historically it succeeds ChromeDevToolsProtocol.
Here its Java client implementation is called WIP (in source code and in docs).
chrome --remote-debugging-port=<port>
A launch configuration named "WebKit Protocol" should be created (see tutorial).
Use the following create method:
Note that the project contains several alternative protocol implementations for the different versions. They are deployed as "WIP Backends" (see main article).
Protocol is called 'WebKit Remote Debuggin Protocol'. You can be sure that you are using this protocol, if you are starting Google Chrome/Chromium with the following parameter: --remote-debugging-port=<port>
Compare with ChromeDevTools Protocol.
Main page: http://developers.google.com/chrome-developer-tools/docs/remote-debugging.
Blog posts:
Wiki: ChromeDevToolsProtocol
Wiki: EclipseDebugger
Wiki: WIP
Wiki: WipBackends