
Chroma / News: Recent posts

This project moved!

After brooding about it for a few months, I finally decided to create one sourceforge project for all my source code projects. Go to project "deninet" from now on. If you want to check out Chroma source, please set the module name to deninet/chroma. When I'm sure that deninet is working well (I've had trouble with CVS), then I'll delete this project.

Posted by Solstice 2002-05-25

Chroma and OpenGL

If you haven't noticed, I've been hiatus for a few weeks working on other projects -- mostly the content systems for In that time, I've been trying to figure out just where this project is going and how it's going to work.

Since my clash with Bezier mathmatics, I've come to the conclusion that it's time that I change as a programmer. I think it's time for me to stop writing my own drawing algorithms and adopt a standard.... read more

Posted by Solstice 2002-04-12

Take that mathematics!

After sufficent online and offline digging, I finally made a forward differencing algorithm that works. This simply means that Chroma can move forward with it's original plan of full bezier animation!

Posted by Solstice 2002-03-18

Benzier, Bezier, Blah

One of the original ideas behind Chroma was a bezier based drawing system that was animated. "Moho (by Lost Marble) without the pesky rendering process," I claimed. Unfourtunatly, I didn't know anything about how to program them, despite I used them a great deal in my artwork.

Then I found, and it didn't seem so complicated anymore. The one problem with this system is that one needs an editor to create the curves. GIMP, I found, has a very easily defined path file format. So now that problem is solved.... read more

Posted by Solstice 2002-03-15

Code Imported!

Finally, after an evening of rest and a morning of homework, I finally figured out how to make kdevelop, my computer, and sourceforge play nice with eachother. *whew* That took awhile...

All of the current source code for the Chroma project has been uploaded. At this point Chroma doesn't technically exist, just the DEML script engine. Also at this point, the CVS repository does NOT have the index.deml file provided in the example. (Such things, I was told, were a Certified Bad Thing in a repository.) I'll save that for a file release.

Posted by Solstice 2002-03-04

Chroma and InterLock

If you have followed this project from, or from, then you will realize that the Chroma engine is meant to be the backend for the cyberpunk RPG City of Light: InterLock. The story itself has been a pet project of mine for almost three years. But, as of April 28, 2001, my friends and I decided to become serious about creating this game.

The point?

I feel that if anyone on sourceforge is interested in developing this engine, they'd be much more so if it were more directly connected with the game. Hence, sometime before spring break I will meet with our design member, Faustus, in order to hack together a proposal for InterLock. Afterward, this will be posted online. Hopefully then, this project will attract more developers.

Posted by Solstice 2002-03-01

Chroma Project Begins!

I decided to take the initative and post our project on sourceforge to attract a Few Good Programmers. I haven't uploaded any of the code just yet because the DNS server has yet to resolve. And I'm not sure if the project's website will be hosted here, or on with all the rest of our stuff...

Posted by Solstice 2002-02-27