
Hello Choreodot!


I've been thinking about this project for quite some time, and now I think I might have just enough time to complete an initial version, so here goes!

The idea is to have a tool to aid in making choreography diagrams. The main issue without Choreodot is:

  • If you draw by hand, maintaining the diagrams is a pain
  • If you draw with some vector software, the initial diagrams are a pain to make

So my plan is to solve this problem by making a tool that will allow for the following:

  • Have predefined dancer formations
  • Use vector graphics for easy transformation and scaling
  • Allow for easy modification of number of dancers
  • Have at least semi-automatic transitions between formations (like drawing in arrows)
  • Export to PDF and GIF
  • Easy to use so any choreographer who has basic computer skills can wield it to his/her benefit.


Here is an initial mockup.

Posted by Ludi Pingvin 2015-11-11

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