
Software Engineering Environment / News: Recent posts

Release 0.07 of SEE corrects fatal bugs.

The new release corrects some fatal bugs about privilege management in the former releases.
These bugs made SEE meaningless!

A new interface style "Beautiful Flowers" is added.
All of flowers were photoed in the parks in this year by the author. :)

And the "Personal Message" function is supported now.

Please visit the homepage of SEE if you want to know more about what's new.

Posted by mara Ren 2004-12-27

Fatal and stupid bugs in release 0.06! New release will come

Oh~~~ I find so many stupid and fatal bugs now.
New release will come.

I wanted to release 0.10, which will supports database, at the mement when new year coming in several days ago.
Now a 0.07 release will be provided to correct bugs.

So sad when I find these bugs. They are BIG bugs!

Posted by mara Ren 2004-12-24

Release 0.06 provides "batch modify" and new data

Now user can modify data in batch way.
Some new information structures are added.

Posted by mara Ren 2004-11-22

Matrix table and trend chart are supported in release 0.05

This release was re-written three times!
Now it comes. ;)
An new type table, Matrix, is supported. You will see it is very useful for showing information in deirect way.
And the trend chart is supported as well. You can user it to show the change of weekly effort while time going.
Other small function enhancements are added.
Many data definitions are changed. So please look at the changelog.

Posted by mara Ren 2004-09-27

I get the answer of chinese in pictures on linux

So happy!
According to the following article, this problem will be over.

Posted by mara Ren 2004-07-26

Release 0.04 corrects a serious bug

When visit from remote IP, pictures, uploaded files, and exported files are all right now. Documents tells how to make linux which does not start X server produce the pictures correctly.

Posted by mara Ren 2004-07-26

New release will come as soon as possible for a bug

Resource URL are all wrong when use from remote IP!
They are all in absolute path of the server, so tomcat will not permit user to see them.

For example, when you install SEE on a computer and visit from another computer, you will not be able to get any temporary files created by SEE. So you can not export the data in txt or xml format, and you can not see the statistic charts!

An new release 0.04 will be created especially for correcting this bug. It will come as soon as possible.

Posted by mara Ren 2004-07-20

source codes are in cvs repository now

Now source codes of the first three release of SEE are all put into the CVS repository here.
You can view the changes in source codes in very convenient way now. Just use the function of CVS tree in web here.

Posted by mara Ren 2004-07-19

Release 0.03 of SEE comes

It adds functions of general query(8 type operators for comparation), general statisitc (pie/histogram charts for count and corss-count), and login audit. Bugs fixed. Documents modified.

Posted by mara Ren 2004-07-12

Suggest not use SEE actully before release 1.0

I am the author. And I suggest that you do not use SEE in your actual application before release 1.0.
Because design of SEE is not steady. Some important definitions in program have to be changed when new functions are added continually.
If you use SEE to produce actual data for your application by the present release, maybe their definitions will be changed in the next release. Then you have to replace something maunally.... read more

Posted by mara Ren 2004-06-28

release 0.02: rapid speed, new functions, bugs corrected

This release changes many things. Please its change-log and homepage.

Posted by mara Ren 2004-06-09

Please notice the current information in homepage

Please notice the current information in its homepage.
You can see now:
1)The news
2)Some explanation of source code
3)known problems(Thanks for the reporters!)

Thanks for your attention to SEE!
Your notice is the power to make the author continue.

Posted by mara Ren 2004-05-12

Welcome to find bugs!I need your help.

I found a serious bug yesterday.
I need your help!

Posted by mara Ren 2004-05-09

The first version will be provided.

The first version of SEE will be provied in 8th,May.
You will get its source codes and manuals.
It is ready in three langauges: English, Simlified Chinese, and Traditional Chinese.

Posted by mara Ren 2004-04-27