
Tree [94f52a] master /

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File Date Author Commit
 bin 2010-01-18 jpike jpike [aa428f] start working on adding context
 cmake 2010-09-01 jpike jpike [038fc4] generate better include path
 conf 2010-08-29 jpike jpike [d0e2da] revert help request display in option parser
 db 2010-03-02 jpike jpike [2b7a8e] chilon::type -> chilon::meta
 detail 2010-09-29 jpike jpike [f499ec] variant_vector_hash now supports key_merge
 doc 2010-09-29 jpike jpike [fb5c6a] typo
 filesystem 2010-07-20 jpike jpike [63c6c2] realpath -> filesystem::realpath, realpath_new
 glob 2010-01-30 jpike jpike [722623] add more namespaces to doxygen and add db.hpp m...
 log 2010-01-18 jpike jpike [aa428f] start working on adding context
 meta 2010-09-27 jpike jpike [a5936a] inserting values works!
 mk 2010-07-19 jpike jpike [ab233c] backupfiles includes git tag version if possibl...
 parser 2010-09-29 jpike jpike [f499ec] variant_vector_hash now supports key_merge
 poll 2010-01-30 jpike jpike [722623] add more namespaces to doxygen and add db.hpp m...
 test 2010-03-22 jpike jpike [427c3a] prefix lexical_cast CAST options with CHILON_
 .gitignore 2010-09-11 jpike jpike [a7efc3] give tutorials an index page. update TODO
 LICENSE 2010-01-17 jpike jpike [0a3e8b] update website and license and todo
 Makefile 2010-05-15 jpike jpike [cc91f5] cleanup makefile somewhat
 README 2010-05-10 jpike jpike [6803dc] 0.9.2
 TODO 2010-09-29 jpike jpike [622cdd] add changelog
 append.hpp 2010-09-29 jpike jpike [6ccf8d] use more rvalue references, appenders support r...
 argument.hpp 2010-08-17 jpike jpike [d8b0c9] elegant argument_default
 attribute.hpp 2010-05-27 jpike jpike [81e792] macro name and use cleanup
 conf.hpp 2010-01-30 jpike jpike [722623] add more namespaces to doxygen and add db.hpp m... 2009-06-11 jpike jpike [f13b9c] another name missing
 configure 2010-07-19 jpike jpike [ab233c] backupfiles includes git tag version if possibl...
 cstring.hpp 2010-07-14 jpike jpike [60de7d] chilon::argument for indexing parameter pack, c...
 db.hpp 2010-01-30 jpike jpike [722623] add more namespaces to doxygen and add db.hpp m...
 filesystem.hpp 2010-07-10 jpike jpike [333853] split filesystem/operations.hpp to *_directory.hpp
 getset.hpp 2010-05-27 jpike jpike [31d389] getset cleanup over
 hash.hpp 2010-09-16 jpike jpike [c88709] extend hashing and new test
 iterator_range.hpp 2010-07-14 jpike jpike [60de7d] chilon::argument for indexing parameter pack, c...
 key_value.hpp 2010-09-29 jpike jpike [f499ec] variant_vector_hash now supports key_merge
 lexical_cast.hpp 2010-07-10 jpike jpike [8b5b1e] use rvalue references to stop lexical_cast forc...
 none.hpp 2010-01-18 jpike jpike [aa428f] start working on adding context
 parser.hpp 2010-09-28 jpike jpike [3335fa] append library for appending with appendable hook.
 print.hpp 2010-09-27 jpike jpike [9e904a] vector_hash_map handles merged keys
 safe_iterator.hpp 2010-09-29 jpike jpike [94f52a] missing return and compiler warnings
 singleton.hpp 2010-01-18 jpike jpike [aa428f] start working on adding context
 tuple_set.hpp 2010-09-26 jpike jpike [553e1a] meta::map, tuple_set, getting there variant_vec...
 type_name.hpp 2010-05-04 jpike jpike [b04ea9] type printing now removes namespaces
 variant.hpp 2010-09-29 jpike jpike [94f52a] missing return and compiler warnings
 variant_vector_hash_map.hpp 2010-09-29 jpike jpike [f499ec] variant_vector_hash now supports key_merge
 vector_hash_map.hpp 2010-09-29 jpike jpike [4344d8] split vector hash index out, append for variant...

Read Me

Most features need c++0x from gcc 4.4 minimum. When compiling an
application that links with chilon using gcc, the argument -std=c++0x
must be given to gcc.

To install run:

    make install

You can install to a different location using:

Since this is a header only library, this doesn't do much. ./configure
makes a version of config.hpp suitable for your system, and "make install'
copies the headers to your file system.

To build some utility code run:

    make util

If this is before 'make install' then the utility code will be installed in