
#515 Compiler crash / multiple definitions error.

Roger Wolff

When I compile a demo in the trunk branch, my compiler (well, linker) reliably crashes:

assurancetourix:~/stm32/ChibiOS-RT/demos/STM32/RT-STM32F407-DISCOVERY-MEMS> make USE_VERBOSE_COMPILE=yes

arm-none-eabi-gcc build/obj/chcoreasm_v7m.o build/obj/crt0.o build/obj/vectors.o build/obj/chcore.o build/obj/chcore_v7m.o build/obj/chsys.o build/obj/chdebug.o build/obj/chtm.o build/obj/chstats.o build/obj/chschd.o build/obj/chvt.o build/obj/chthreads.o build/obj/chdynamic.o build/obj/chregistry.o build/obj/chsem.o build/obj/chmtx.o build/obj/chcond.o build/obj/chevents.o build/obj/chmsg.o build/obj/chmboxes.o build/obj/chqueues.o build/obj/chmemcore.o build/obj/chheap.o build/obj/chmempools.o build/obj/test.o build/obj/testthd.o build/obj/testsem.o build/obj/testmtx.o build/obj/testmsg.o build/obj/testmbox.o build/obj/testevt.o build/obj/testheap.o build/obj/testpools.o build/obj/testdyn.o build/obj/testqueues.o build/obj/testbmk.o build/obj/hal.o build/obj/hal_queues.o build/obj/hal_mmcsd.o build/obj/adc.o build/obj/can.o build/obj/dac.o build/obj/ext.o build/obj/gpt.o build/obj/i2c.o build/obj/i2s.o build/obj/icu.o build/obj/mac.o build/obj/mmc_spi.o build/obj/pal.o build/obj/pwm.o build/obj/rtc.o build/obj/sdc.o build/obj/serial.o build/obj/serial_usb.o build/obj/spi.o build/obj/st.o build/obj/uart.o build/obj/usb.o build/obj/osal.o build/obj/nvic.o build/obj/stm32_dma.o build/obj/hal_lld.o build/obj/adc_lld.o build/obj/ext_lld_isr.o build/obj/can_lld.o build/obj/ext_lld.o build/obj/mac_lld.o build/obj/sdc_lld.o build/obj/dac_lld.o build/obj/pal_lld.o build/obj/i2c_lld.o build/obj/usb_lld.o build/obj/rtc_lld.o build/obj/i2s_lld.o build/obj/spi_lld.o build/obj/gpt_lld.o build/obj/icu_lld.o build/obj/pwm_lld.o build/obj/st_lld.o build/obj/serial_lld.o build/obj/uart_lld.o build/obj/board.o build/obj/lis302dl.o build/obj/shell.o build/obj/chprintf.o build/obj/usbcfg.o build/obj/main.o -mcpu=cortex-m4 -O2 -ggdb -fomit-frame-pointer -falign-functions=16 -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -fno-common -flto -nostartfiles -Wl,-Map=build/,--cref,--no-warn-mismatch,--library-path=../../../os/common/ports/ARMCMx/compilers/GCC,--script=../../../os/common/ports/ARMCMx/compilers/GCC/ld/STM32F407xG.ld,--gc-sections,--defsym=process_stack_size=0x400,--defsym=main_stack_size=0x400 -mno-thumb-interwork -mthumb -o build/ch.elf
../../../test/rt/test.c: In function 'TestThread':
../../../test/rt/test.c:314:7: internal compiler error: Segmentation fault
msg_t TestThread(void *p) {

On the one hand, the compiler shouldn't crash, on the other hand, Just the recent chibios sources cause this, I can compile other projects and the version in 2.6.5 just fine.

In the other F407-discovery demo, the linker points at "main.c" as to where it got before it crashed.

The compiler package was installed from the Ubuntu repository:

4.8.2-14ubuntu1+6 (/var/lib/apt/lists/nl.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_trusty_universe_binary-amd64_Packages) (/var/lib/dpkg/status)

Oh!!!! now I remember: On my other "arm-development-capable" system I get:
Linking build/ch.elf
/tmp/cc5oVs5n.ltrans7.ltrans.o: In function _unhandled_exception': /home/wolff/stm32/ChibiOS-RT/demos/STM32/RT-STM32F407-DISCOVERY/../../../os/common/ports/ARMCMx/compilers/GCC/vectors.c:77: multiple definition ofReset_Handler'
/tmp/cc5oVs5n.ltrans5.ltrans.o:/home/wolff/stm32/ChibiOS-RT/demos/STM32/RT-STM32F407-DISCOVERY/../../../os/common/ports/ARMCMx/compilers/GCC/crt0.c:267: first defined here
and a similar message about: SVC_Handler and VectorB0 .

I'm guessing that this might be the root cause.


  • Giovanni Di Sirio


    This is probably a problem with GCC 4.8.x and LTO, it has been discussed for a while in the forum. The fix is apparently scheduled for GCC 4.9.x.

    You could disable LTO in the makefile or downgrade to GCC 4.7.x, both should fix the issue.


  • Giovanni Di Sirio

    • Description has changed:


    --- old
    +++ new
    @@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
     When I compile a demo in the trunk branch, my compiler (well, linker) reliably crashes:
    • status: open --> open-wont-fix
    • assigned_to: Giovanni Di Sirio
  • Roger Wolff

    Roger Wolff - 2014-07-08

    Setting LTO to "no" fixes this. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction!
    [edit] As the "owner" can't I close this? It's still tagged as "open". I've played "bugmanager" for an open source project, so I'm a bit like: close ASAP what can/should be closed.


    Last edit: Roger Wolff 2014-07-08
  • Giovanni Di Sirio


  • Giovanni Di Sirio

    • status: open-wont-fix --> closed-rejected

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