
HOWTO Release process

Jens Nissen

Procedure to create a release

Changes in 1.5.6 are in bold
Make sure everything is committed that should be in the release
Update the language files, call linguist update and release
Remove all incomplete languages from the file and the chess.qrc file
Update ChangeLog, ChangeLog.txt file
If year was changed, update year in Copyright header line of source files
Change the version number in src/database/version.h
Change the version number in mac_osx/Info.plist
Change the version number in the pkg template (macOS)
Change the version number in the setup.iss file (windows installer)
Change the version number in the mac_deploy_dyn file (mac os installer)
Change the version number in the make_tarball file (linux installer)
Compile and verify that it works correctly.
Commit changes
Set the current release into
Update translations in and .qm
Tag release in github:
git tag vM.m.r-lw
git push origin vM.m.r-lw

M = Major version
m = minor version
r = release

  • Change version number in the places mentioned above by incrementing the release number, and commit. This ensures that subsequent SVN builds will not show the same version number as the release.