Activity for Chemo Diary

  • Victor Lesk Victor Lesk committed [b1b2e7]


  • Victor Lesk Victor Lesk committed [289931]

    Feedback E-mail now contains patient name

  • Victor Lesk Victor Lesk committed [7036d9]

    Feedback screen

  • Victor Lesk committed [ad8820]

    Vomiting, loss of appetite reintroduced to abdomen

  • Joel Parsons committed [cffd2f]

    Initial commit

  • Brio Taliaferro committed [77475a]

    add back button in cycles vc

  • Brio Taliaferro committed [7e098f]

    Initial Commit

  • Brio Taliaferro committed [aaa73f]

    add FMDB submodule

  • Brio Taliaferro committed [26d2d3]

    create abstract datastore and model classes

  • Brio Taliaferro committed [f99bb2]

    Merge branch 'master' of

  • Brio Taliaferro committed [cd6cc8]

    add github gitignore

  • Brio Taliaferro committed [ba4c16]

    add pxsymptoms class

  • Brio Taliaferro committed [8edc46]

    Merge branch 'master' of

  • Brio Taliaferro committed [501d6e]

    add symptom vc

  • Brio Taliaferro committed [a27c77]

    create patient datastore and model

  • Edward Warrender committed [df46bf]

    Implemented questionnaire

  • Brio Taliaferro committed [694321]

    add symptom properties

  • Brio Taliaferro committed [3aabc0]

    patientdetails vc creates pxpatient record in d...

  • Brio Taliaferro committed [539795]

    detect touches on bodyparts

  • Brio Taliaferro committed [064379]

    add cycle object, viewcontrollers to show lists...

  • Brio Taliaferro committed [27557f]

    Merge branch 'refs/heads/bodyview_nib'

  • Brio Taliaferro committed [b10b7e]

    severity labels start. (plist needs to be compl...

  • Brio Taliaferro committed [af2908]

    add and implement autocomplete of regimen

  • Brio Taliaferro committed [7d7d37]

    Merge branch 'refs/heads/grid'

  • Brio Taliaferro committed [3b789a]

    turned grid by 90 degrees

  • Brio Taliaferro committed [e09336]

    basic linegraph functionality

  • Brio Taliaferro committed [1f79a8]

    call layoutIfNeeded

  • Brio Taliaferro committed [6112ac]

    present QoL questionnaire from side effects rep...

  • Brio Taliaferro committed [79fe82]

    starting on a system to display existing sympto...

  • Brio Taliaferro committed [dadcc3]

    tap on body part received by addsymptom vc

  • Brio Taliaferro committed [6a650d]

    create tabs for settings and side-effects

  • Brio Taliaferro committed [6cdd8f]

    move reportingLevel to main settings VC and sto...

  • Brio Taliaferro committed [e02734]

    fixed some capitalisation errors. severity labe...

  • Brio Taliaferro committed [39eb50]

    side effects allows cancelling of input by tap ...

  • Brio Taliaferro committed [0bff74]

    add plus and minus buttons to scroll through da...

  • Brio Taliaferro committed [592858]

    symptom selector is presented in popover. sever...

  • Brio Taliaferro committed [d89dc5]

    protect against empty cycles or symptoms

  • Brio Taliaferro committed [7092aa]

    capitalize bodypart names

  • Brio Taliaferro committed [6899d1]

    fix repeating reminders, enable minute repeat f...

  • Brio Taliaferro committed [e4d435]

    creating bodyview in a separate nib

  • Brio Taliaferro committed [cd3f14]

    symptoms are added to database

  • Brio Taliaferro committed [317664]

    symptoms can be added or deleted in same table

  • Brio Taliaferro committed [e17100]

    settings connected to cycle creator vc

  • Brio Taliaferro committed [4a8379]

    additional entries in severity labels plist

  • Brio Taliaferro committed [f0812c]

    next appointment can be switched off, and canno...

  • Brio Taliaferro committed [bc95f1]

    implement dosing reminders

  • Brio Taliaferro committed [03fb66]

    code cleanup

  • Brio Taliaferro committed [239475]

    viewcontroller orientation

  • Brio Taliaferro committed [697a9e]

    create background grid for linegraph

  • Brio Taliaferro committed [346bc3]

    daily markers in linegraph

  • Brio Taliaferro committed [eee5e3]

    multiple symptoms can be added to each bodysystem

  • Brio Taliaferro committed [6ddb9a]

    add title label to line graph

  • Brio Taliaferro committed [a96c3e]

    Merge branch 'refs/heads/scroll_graph'

  • Brio Taliaferro committed [4803b7]

    time and active status for morning and evening ...

  • Brio Taliaferro committed [de2d32]

    grid data preparation

  • Brio Taliaferro committed [2b4518]

    prepare symptomVC to display and honor 'closedF...

  • Brio Taliaferro committed [cb9818]

    create PXAppConstants to store global values

  • Brio Taliaferro committed [e17841]

    symptom names are provided by addsymptom vc

  • Brio Taliaferro committed [1b1a0a]

    Merge branch 'refs/heads/patient_notes'

  • Brio Taliaferro committed [8247db]

    add linegraph submodule

  • Brio Taliaferro committed [a1c58d]

    showing only one message, except for dose recor...

  • Brio Taliaferro committed [f3ec75]

    show last day of cycle in cycle reports

  • Brio Taliaferro committed [055d79]

    starting adherence record in cycle model

  • Brio Taliaferro committed [2af45d]

    terminate cycle implemented

  • Brio Taliaferro committed [90dcda]

    symptoms can be deleted from database

  • Brio Taliaferro committed [602c6c]

    create 'not specified' symptom to use for level...

  • Brio Taliaferro committed [7511bd]

    re-instate layoutconstraints in questionnaire

  • Brio Taliaferro committed [d3de7d]

    prevent user from creating a negative cycle (en...

  • Brio Taliaferro committed [67c2e4]

    create reminder model. create methods to set an...

  • Brio Taliaferro committed [3b16c5]

    smaller severity input view

  • Brio Taliaferro committed [ef5eab]

    improved add symptom flow

  • Brio Taliaferro committed [cc3e9b]

    Merge branch 'refs/heads/reporting_revisited'

  • Brio Taliaferro committed [d6751b]

    create legend for cycle graph (rotation problem)

  • Brio Taliaferro committed [91b134]

    daily markers layoutsubviews

  • Brio Taliaferro committed [7e5685]

    refactor reminders according to meeting.

  • Brio Taliaferro committed [681c05]

    refactor time and date - combiner

  • Brio Taliaferro committed [c12d2a]

    change A&E warning evaluation

  • Brio Taliaferro committed [a27bdc]

    settings viewcontroller

  • Brio Taliaferro committed [bc3b04]

    extending grid screenshot area

  • Brio Taliaferro committed [6fb17c]

    nicer grid. with colors!

  • Brio Taliaferro committed [0e9f3b]

    composing qol email with numeric answers

  • Brio Taliaferro committed [866f3f]

    move other global values to constants file

  • Brio Taliaferro committed [340264]

    Merge branch 'refs/heads/QoL'

  • Brio Taliaferro committed [953dd5]

    set hospital reminder 24hrs ahead. do not accep...

  • Brio Taliaferro committed [d40395]

    automatic cycle closure for editing

  • Brio Taliaferro committed [6b4989]

    fix datestepper bug

  • Brio Taliaferro committed [851930]

    add plist for QoL questionnaire

  • Brio Taliaferro committed [878c75]

    finished QoL started on readme

  • Brio Taliaferro committed [ba8246]

    selected bodysystem is displayed in a label

  • Brio Taliaferro committed [6db359]

    change InputSymptomView to UIControl and use re...

  • Brio Taliaferro committed [5b55a7]

    add mmspreadsheet

  • Brio Taliaferro committed [24c263]

    debug severity input (stuck lines etc)

  • Brio Taliaferro committed [bb5ecf]

    improved severity selector

  • Brio Taliaferro committed [8a81a8]

    severity selector cleanup

  • Brio Taliaferro committed [9b32bd]

    ed's autolayout magic

  • Brio Taliaferro committed [2ec90b]

    switch to intrinsic content height

  • Brio Taliaferro committed [35e951]

    create tapable views for all bodysystems

  • Brio Taliaferro committed [5419e8]

    reconnect questionnaire

  • Brio Taliaferro committed [a95bee]

    Merge branch 'refs/heads/cycles'

  • Brio Taliaferro committed [a958f6]

    better gradient drawing approach

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