
Checkstyle 6.11

Checkstyle 6.11

Breaking backward compatibility:

Restore 'url' option for ImportControl.


New option 'requiredTranslations' to Translation check.
New option 'switchBlockAsSingleDecisionPoint' for CyclomaticComplexityCheck.

Bug fixes:

Fix java grammar for unicode escape.
Add basic thread-safety to Javadoc checks.
Fixed NPE in FinalLocalVariableCheck.
NoWhitespaceAfter, NoWhitespaceBefore and WhitespaceAround don't support GENERIC_START nor GENERIC_END tokens.
Add support of lambdas which parameter types are omitted for HiddenFieldCheck.
Fix RedundantModifier check at final classes in interfaces.
Print missing cause of exception to console on error.
Fix not working excludeScope in JavadocMethod check.
Fix RedundantModifier check to recognise inner classes accessible from global scope.
CustomImportOrderCheck rule priorities.
Fix false negative in AtclauseOrder check.
Fix IllegalStateException in JavadocTypeCheck.
Allow COMMA again in NoWhiteSpaceBefore.
Fix HiddenField false positive violations for anonymous classes.
Added support of logging severity for all audit events.
Allow @return tags from annotation types.
Fixed redundant modifier false positive for abstract classes in interfaces.
Ignore classes nested in interaces or annotations in Final Class Check.
Detect nested enums marked as static in RedundantModifier check.
Fixed NPE in MutableExceptionCheck.isExtendedClassNamedAsException.
Change message in SummaryJavadocCheck.


Update HTML documentation to describe all options for all checks.
Make link for each row of Google style coverage table.
Add docs about while idiom to InnerAssignment check.
Fix additional issues reported by IntelliJ IDEA inspections in Checkstyle code.
SuppressionsLoaderTest UT was stabilized.
ROOT locale added in checker creation for UT; travis updated with a new check.
Update Error Prone to 2.0.5.
Add "Input" prefix to test input files.
Create MacOS matrix item for Travic-CI.
POM still references repo.
Make coverage 100% for TokenTypesDoclet.
Make coverage 100% for all classes at package
Use StandardCharsets and get rid of UnsupportedEncodingException.
Remove errors from Maven output in TokenTypesDocletTest.
Anchor naming checks in google_style.xml.
AbstractHeaderCheck coverage has been increased to 100%.
Sonarqube found problems in Checkstyle.
CopyPasted ITs.
Update Maven Wagon to 2.10.
Update Maven Project Info Reports Plugin to 2.8.1.
Split all modules to be separate at config_naming.html.
Remove already fixed exclusion from PMD configuration.
Add SLF4J binding required by JGit.
Configure compiler to use Error Prone for non-input sources.
Rearrange POM to use canonical ordering.
Unify naming files with test inputs.
Create wide message for CheckstyleException in PackageObjectFactory.
Fix compiler warnings in input files.
Updated checkstyle_checks.xml to use ParameterNumber in default configuration.
Extended Eclipse user guide for newbies of Checkstyle.
Fix exception at NeedBraces check in enhanced for loops.
Make test for FileTabCharacter locale and OS independent.
Add inspection scope profile for IDEA analysis.
Fix issues reported by IntelliJ IDEA inspections in Checkstyle code.
Added tests for validating commit message.
Fix StringIndexOutOfBoundsException.
Activated TranslationCheck in checkstyle_checks.xml.
Fix Javadoc generation failure after addition of new tag.
Add Codacy badge to main page.
Update all Checks html docs with link to hosted configurations.
Create separate web page for old release notes.
Extended javadoc/xdoc for RightCurlyCheck.
Added UT which validates that all checks which exist in classpath are referenced in checkstyle_checks.xml.
Add suppression for IntelliJ IDEA inspection.
Refactoring of TreeWalker to increase readability.
Corrected javadoc/xdoc for IllegalTypeCheck.

Posted by Roman Ivanov 2015-09-28

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