
#2419 Three term labels in the ChEBI OWL file need to be placed within single quotes


I would like to request that the term labels for:

D-galactono-1,4-lactone ; CHEBI:15895
D-galactono-1,5-lactone ; CHEBI:15945
L-galactono-1,4-lactone ; CHEBI:17464 placed within single quotes in the ChEBI OWL file. I am trying to import them into my own working ontology and am unable to place existential restrictions on the terms because OWL cannot recognize them without the presence of quotes. The problem is the presence of the comma in the term.

I'm not sure how many other terms labels with commas are in the owl file that are lacking single quotes, but these are the first ones I have encountered.

Thanks so much!
-Carrine Blank


  • Gareth Owen

    Gareth Owen - 2015-07-09
    • status: open --> pending
    • assigned_to: Adriano Dekker
    • Group: -->
    • Priority: 5 --> 8
  • Chris Mungall

    Chris Mungall - 2015-10-09

    I think this can be closed. The OWL is fine.

    Is your problem with Protege or some external tooling

    You can report a Protege bug here:

    Note that the quotes you see in Protege are not actual quotes in the OWL. They are placed there by Protege to indicate it is a label with a space in it.

    If you are having issues with the Protege class expression editor, try escaping the quote with a backslash.

  • Gareth Owen

    Gareth Owen - 2015-11-17
    • status: pending --> closed
  • Gareth Owen

    Gareth Owen - 2015-11-17


    Thanks for explaining things. I was pretty sure that we would have had a lot more complaints is the OWL file was badly non-standard.