
Chaperon / News: Recent posts

Chaperon 3.0 released!

The new version including new scannerless general LR parser, which should make grammar writing easier. The parser also
supports now error productions.

Posted by Stephan Michels 2004-01-13

Chaperon 2.1 released!

Many small improvements. The parser table generation process has been made faster. And there are also some clean ups from the handler interfaces.

Posted by Stephan Michels 2003-04-12

Chaperon 2.0 released!

The Chaperon parser is completly rewritten for cleaner design. It was made a clean separation of the lexer and the parser and many test cases were written.

Posted by Stephan Michels 2003-01-28

Using Apache Forrest

The Chaperon project now using Apache Forrest
as documentation system.

Posted by Stephan Michels 2003-01-14

Chaperon 1.3 released

Many bugfixes and examples are added. If
you are using the Cocoon components, you will
notify that the grammar catalog resolver is no
more needed. The current Cocoon components
will also be found in the current Cocoon CVS.

Posted by Stephan Michels 2003-01-14

Using Krysalis Centipede

The new release 1.2 of the chaperon project use
the build system "Krysalis Centipede". The chaperon
parser has also become many improvements in speed.

Posted by Stephan Michels 2002-04-23

Chaperon 1.1 released

The project throw all DOM parts over board, and concentrating on the SAX interface. Also more examples were implemented.
And also precedences and associatives were implemented.

Posted by Stephan Michels 2002-02-26

Chaperon project launched

Chaperon is a LALR(1) parser, which parse structured text documents and generate XML documents as output. It includes a parser generator like yacc and a regex scaner like lex. As input use Chaperon a grammar written in XML.

Posted by Stephan Michels 2002-02-16