
Can Chaperon handle semi-structured documents

  • Mark

    Mark - 2003-04-20


    I am not really a java programmer but am willing to get upto speed. But before I embark on that road, could you tell me if your software can add markup according to the example below.

    That is can it take the text (bounded by the equals signs) and add xml tags according to the text (bounded by the + signs)?


    Subclass 136 Skilled - Independent

    136.111      In this Part:

    completed includes having met the requirements for award of a degree, diploma or trade qualification.

    degree and diploma have the meanings given in subregulation 2.26A (6).

    employed has the meaning given in subregulation 2.26A (7).

    Note 1   For relevant assessing authority and skilled occupation, see regulation 1.03.

    Note 2   For vocational English, see regulation 1.15B.





                Subclass 136 Skilled-Independent







          <Sentence>In this Part:

    completed includes having met the requirements for award of a degree,diploma or trade qualification. degree and diploma have the meanings given in      


                      subregulation 2.26A (6).




                            employed has the meaning given in


                                  subregulation 2.26A (7).



          <Note>For relevant assessing authority and skilled occupation.


                     see regulation 1.03.




                For vocational English, see regulation 1.15B.


                     see regulation 1.15B.







    If not - would it be a big deal to modify the program to do it, or do you think i would be better of writing something from scratch or looking for an alternative product.

    Thanks in advance.

    Mark Brand
    Telephone 02-4276-1175

    • Stephan Michels

      Stephan Michels - 2003-04-23

      For these things, you should use a better alternative FragFilter


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