Cray Inc. is pleased to announce the release of version 1.1 of the Chapel Compiler.
The highlights of this release include: parallel execution of all data parallel operations on arithmetic domains and arrays; improved control over the degree and granularity of parallelism for data parallel language constructs; feature-complete Block and Cyclic distributions; simplified constructor calls for Block and Cyclic distributions; support for assignments between, and removal of indices from sparse domains; more robust performance optimizations on aligned arithmetic domains and arrays; many programmability and correctness improvements; new example programs demonstrating task parallel concepts and distributions; wide-ranging improvements to the content and organization of the language specification.
This release of Chapel contains stable support for the base language, and for task and regular data parallelism using one or multiple nodes. Data parallel features on irregular domains and arrays are supported via a single-threaded, single-node reference implementation. While performance has received a great deal of attention in Chapel's design, this release lacks a number of crucial performance optimizations and is not suitable for in-depth performance comparisons and studies.