
Chapel 1.01 released

Cray is pleased to announce the 1.01 Cray Chapel Compiler release.

This release is an update to the 1.0 release that adds support for
loosely-coupled heterogeneous computation via a new concept known as
the 'realm'. See $CHPL_HOME/doc/technotes/README.multirealm for more
information or $CHPL_HOME/examples/tutorials/multirealm.chpl for an
example. This release also contains performance and scalability
improvements to the 1.0 release, particularly for Block distributions.
For a full list of changes in the release, please refer to
$CHPL_HOME/CHANGES after loading the chapel module.

This release of Chapel contains stable support for the base language
and for task parallelism across multiple nodes. It supports Chapel's
data parallel features for regular ranges, domains, and arrays on
single nodes and on multiple nodes using a Block distribution. Data
parallel features on irregular domains and arrays are supported in a
single-threaded, single-node reference implementation. Preliminary
support for multi-node cyclic and block-cyclic distributions is also
provided. While performance has received a great deal of attention in
Chapel's design, this release lacks a number of crucial performance
optimizations and is not suitable for in-depth performance comparisons
and studies.

Posted by Bradford Chamberlain 2009-10-30

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