
Chapel version 0.9 released

Cray is pleased to announce the Cray Chapel Compiler release v0.9.
Chapel is a new parallel programming language designed to improve
productivity of high-end computer users while also serving as a
portable parallel programming model for use on commodity clusters or
desktop multi-core system. Chapel's implementation is very much a
work-in-progress and is being made available to get feedback from
potential users in order to improve Chapel's usefulness, generality,
and adoptability.

This release of Chapel is primarily a stability, portability, and
performance update to our previous release, version 0.8 made available
in November 2008. It also marks the transition of our source tree to
SourceForge. This release provides stable support for the base
language and for task parallelism across multiple nodes of a cluster
or distributed memory machine. It supports Chapel's data parallel
features in a single-threaded reference implementation by default.
Preliminary support for multi-node block distributions is provided for
purposes of experimentation but is not yet stable. While performance
has received a great deal of attention in Chapel's design, this
release lacks a number of crucial performance optimizations that make
it unsuitable for in-depth performance comparisons and studies.

For further information on Chapel, please refer to the Chapel webpage
at and our SourceForge project page at

Posted by Bradford Chamberlain 2009-04-16

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