
Tree [r10] /

HTTPS access

File Date Author Commit
 LICENSE 2007-07-09 betagan [r7]
 README 2007-07-10 betagan [r10]
 aliasfile.conf 2007-06-30 betagan [r2]
 builtinalias.conf 2007-06-30 betagan [r3] 2007-07-09 betagan [r7] 2007-07-09 betagan [r7] 2007-07-09 betagan [r7] 2007-07-09 betagan [r7]
 client_cert.pem 2007-07-09 betagan [r6]
 client_key.pem 2007-07-09 betagan [r6]
 server_cert.pem 2007-07-09 betagan [r6]
 server_key.pem 2007-07-09 betagan [r6]

Read Me

chaosIRC is in pre pre alpha, dont try to use it for regular purpose
if you want to take part in development, feel free to contact

project is splitted in chaosirc_server and chaosirc_client. 
so far, two classes are available, chaosirc_ircthread, the socket to any IRCserver
and chaosirc_clientthread, the socket to the chaosirc_server while the server itself is not yet OOPed

Gnutls and the corresponding python bindings are needed for SSL/TLS sockets
To use the wx GUI, you need wxPython >=2.8 installed

The included certs and keys are only for testing purpose and should only 
be used for "secure" connections on your local machine. 

Please consider creating your own keys using gnutls' certtool

$ certtool --generate-privkey --outfile my_private_key.pem
$ certtool --generate-self-signed --load-privkey my_private_key.pem --outfile my_cert.pem