
#8 Add Finder Placement Option


Great app!

It would be awesome to have a "Smart Fit" Finder Placement
Option that would:
1) Fill Screen/Crop pictures that are bigger than the desktop,
reduce to fit, keeping orig proportions.
2) Just Center smaller pictures (ie, don't tile)

It woudl be great if there were info in the Read Me about "Finder
Placement Options" (eg, what's the diff bt. "Fill Screen" and


  • Brian Bergstrand

    • priority: 5 --> 2
    • assigned_to: nobody --> bbergstrand
  • Brian Bergstrand

    Logged In: YES

    Currently, CD changes a private Finder file to update the
    Placement options (hence 'Finder Placement' and not 'Desktop
    Placement'). IOW, the Finder is determining how to scale the
    picture, not CD. If in the future, I change CD to control
    the picture drawing itself (bypassing the Finder) then CD
    could aslo control the scaling. Currently this is not possible.

    Fill Screen = Scale the picture to fit the screen exactly.
    This is generally not a good idea for a wide screen display
    (such as the Cinema Display) because it will produce a
    skewed image.

    Crop = Scale the picture so the current aspect is kept. So
    on a Cinema Display, this option will generally scale the
    picture so it is actually bigger than the display and then
    the outer edges will be Cropped. This way the picture looks


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