
#15 Fill screen 1 direction, keep proportional


Apple's version and your version share the same lack of this
choice. It seems to me that the best choice for picture
placement might be to stretch or shrink the picture to the edge of
the screen such that nothing is cropped, and the picture is kept
proportional. For imperfectly sized pictures, two stripes of screen
would be unfilled, either at the top & bottom or left and right as
appropriate. These could remain unfilled, or the picture could be
tiled in these areas.

Every picture, as large as possible without cropping or stretching.
So simple, so obvious, why is it not implemented?

An improvement even beyond this would be to limit blowing up
small pictures to some choosable % (300? 400?) to avoid
extremely large ugly pixels.

Thanks for a great program.

Cindy Burkhardt


  • Brian Bergstrand

    • priority: 5 --> 1
  • Brian Bergstrand

    Logged In: YES

    Well, CD can only offer what Apple supports since it doesn not draw the
    picture. CD just picks a picture and then notifies the Finder of the new
    picture. The Finder controlls how the picture is drawn, and it would have
    to be updated to support new placement modes. Not much I can do about

  • Dracowyrm

    Dracowyrm - 2007-01-21

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    I completely agree. I have many large images in my desktop pictures folders, and I don't want to shrink them because eventually, I'll have a larger monitor (I'm on a 17" flat panel at 1024x768 res), and then they'll be too small. The old Decor OS 9 third-party extension has its problems, but one thing it did really well was scale to fit, retaining aspect ratio. This is the only feature I would still like to see in CD, which is otherwise terrific--until I found it, I was unwilling to make a permanent switch out of OS 9.


  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    In order that you maybe have an example how to resize the images. Please go to and download the software.Ive been using it for years before changing to mac. This software can help you and of course us all! Thx for the program and keep the good work. Let me know your thoughts.


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