
#34 ChangeDesktop Crashes with NFS home

Bryn Hughes

OS: 10.3.x (reproduced in 10.3.4-10.3.8)
Hardware: G5/1.6

ChangeDesktop seems to crash after sleep with an NFS
Pictures directory. My system has home mounted via
NFS. ChangeDesktop normally runs fine but after sleep
I usually find the server hung up.

After sleep ChangeDesktop will list 0 pictures
available. It still is running - I can see
ChangeDesktop if I use ps. However it appears to have
lost contact with the NFS-mounted pictures folder and
does not attempt to reconnect. I have confirmed that
the directory is in fact available through the
Finder/Terminal. This is an automounted NFS folder.

If I copy the same set of pictures to a local drive I
do not see this problem. I suspect ChangeDesktop is
trying to do something post-sleep that happens before
the NFS connection is re-established although I would
expect it to 'find' the pictures once the NFS directory
becomes available again (a few seconds after wake).

It does not appear to matter if the "Change pictures on
wake" option is selected or not - I initially thought
this might be causing trouble since ChangeDesktop would
be attempting to change the picture right away on wake.


  • Brian Bergstrand

    • labels: 450372 --> Incorrect Functionality
  • Brian Bergstrand

    Logged In: YES

    Your diagnosis is pretty much straight on. I would guess that CD is trying to
    change the picture on wake (if you have a timer set it's likely to do this even if
    "Change on Wake" is off). As part of the pic selection, CD checks the timestamps
    on managed folders to see if these changed. I'm guessing that CD is getting to
    the underlying mount folder before the NFS volume is re-mounted. It sees the
    timestamp is different and so re-scans the now empty folder -- hence the 0 count.

    As for CD recognizing when the NFS volume is mounted, it will not do that. It only
    manages folders and doesn't care/know if that folder is actually a volume. The
    only time it will re-scan managed folders is when a pic change occurs. So, in order
    to get your NFS drive re-scanned, you will have to force a pic change from the
    system-wide menu or from the CD GUI.

  • Bryn Hughes

    Bryn Hughes - 2005-04-01

    Logged In: YES

    Unfortunately even manually attempting to force a picture
    change doesn't work, only stopping and restarting the server
    seems to restore normal operation. Of course that takes it
    right back to the very first picture in the list of
    sequential pics so I never end up seeing half the pictures I
    have available

  • Bryn Hughes

    Bryn Hughes - 2005-04-02

    Logged In: YES

    Thinking futher... In this particular case the pictures
    folder is a subfolder of the NFS shared volume - this would
    cause CD to believe the directory in question did not exist
    at all as opposed to seeing the directory as empty.

    What does CD do if it finds a pictures directory to be
    missing all together? It appears as though it ignores that
    directory until the server is restarted.

  • Brian Bergstrand

    Logged In: YES

    Okay, that's the problem then. If CD gets an error trying to stat() the folder it will
    remove the folder from its internal list. So a missing folder would cause the exact
    behavior you are seeing. I'll have to look into this some more.


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