
#22 Menu Icon Current Picture


The menu icon of drop-down menu that shows the current
picture doesn't work most of the time.

It does sometimes, so I don't know if it's failing after time,
or what the specific problem is.

If I select the "Current Pictures" item and it arrows over to
the picture name, and I select it, it's the wrong picture.

I then select "change picture" and the desktop changes, but
the "current picture" does not. It stays stuck on the wrong

I tried to stop the server, and restart it to see if the problem
would correct, but the server won't restart.


  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    I also see this behavior with OS 10.3.2

  • Brian Bergstrand

    • assigned_to: nobody --> bbergstrand
    • status: open --> open-accepted
  • Brian Bergstrand

    Logged In: YES

    I've heard from one other person experiencing the same problem. I have
    not been able to reproduce it here though. BTW, the CD server does not
    handle the menu extra, it is a plugin to the Mac OS X SystemUIServer
    app. You have to logout to restart that.

    I can only guess that SystemUIServer is dropping some of the change
    notifications. Is your machine busy (high CPU use) when the problem
    happens? Also, if you have a lot of menu extras loaded, try
    unloading some. It shouldn't make a difference, but I only run about four
    extras and haven't had a problem.

  • Brian Bergstrand

    Logged In: YES

    I've heard from one other person experiencing the same problem. I have
    not been able to reproduce it here though. BTW, the CD server does not
    handle the menu extra, it is a plugin to the Mac OS X SystemUIServer
    app. You have to logout to restart that.

    I can only guess that SystemUIServer is dropping some of the change
    notifications. Is your machine busy (high CPU use) when the problem
    happens? Also, if you have a lot of menu extras loaded, try
    unloading some. It shouldn't make a difference, but I only run about four
    extras and haven't had a problem.


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