
Chamber Interior Ballistics / News: Recent posts

HOM Equation of State Functions Validated

The HOM Equation of state functions have been validated for RDX (for HomSolid)
and 9404 for HomSolid, HomGas and HomMixed. Validating these routines involved
several fixes to the Linear Feedback solver. This validation is for compression; tension on the solids is still giving some convergence problems.

Also, all input file parsing is now done by chamber's own custom parsing
functions; libcfg+ has been dropped due to unsupported necessary functionality. This should speed up development of additional input features.

Posted by jriley 2006-05-15

chamber 0.1 Alpha 1 Released

This release marks the first hard testing of the equation of state routines in chamber. HomMixed is generally converging but results currently differ from those being used for validation. In addition, basic support for the Forest Fire shock initiation burn routine has been added.

Posted by jriley 2006-04-20

Status changed from Pre-Alpha to Alpha

The chamber project has been moved from Pre-Alpha to Alpha status to reflect the beginning of actual testing. The 2D Lagrangian routine is being tested using confined HMX with a bulk burn model. Check the latest CVS snapshot for comments on the testing status.

Posted by jriley 2006-04-09