
ChainedOptions / News: Recent posts

0.9.0 released

The first public release of ChainedOptions is out.

Posted by Ulrik Sandberg 2005-09-01

Project home page now live

The project home page,, is now live.

Posted by Ulrik Sandberg 2005-08-25

Non-String properties now handled

Command object properties of types other than String can now be handled. If a PropertyEditor has been registered for the property type, the value of getAsText will be used when comparing against values in listbox. Otherwise, the property value is cast to a String.

Posted by Ulrik Sandberg 2005-08-16

First version in CVS

The first version of the source has been added to CVS. It needs a small amount of polishing, but should soon be ready for release.

Posted by Ulrik Sandberg 2005-08-11