
Tree [r130] /

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File Date Author Commit
 CodeBlocks 2011-06-06 leo3 [r128]
 Examples 2011-10-31 leo3 [r130]
 Visual Studio 2008 with service pack 1 2011-03-03 leo3 [r110]
 Visual Studio 2010 2011-03-03 leo3 [r111]
 Common.cpp 2011-05-23 leo3 [r114]
 Common.h 2011-10-31 leo3 [r129]
 ReadMe.txt 2011-10-31 leo3 [r129]
 cAlertUser.cpp 2011-06-04 leo3 [r118]
 cAlertUser.h 2011-06-04 leo3 [r118]
 cApp.cpp 2011-10-31 leo3 [r129]
 cApp.h 2011-10-31 leo3 [r129]
 cAskQuestion.cpp 2011-06-04 leo3 [r118]
 cAskQuestion.h 2011-06-04 leo3 [r118]
 cBasics.cpp 2011-10-31 leo3 [r129]
 cBasics.h 2011-06-06 leo3 [r119]
 cButton.cpp 2011-06-06 leo3 [r119]
 cButton.h 2011-06-06 leo3 [r119]
 cCheckBox.cpp 2011-06-06 leo3 [r119]
 cCheckBox.h 2011-06-06 leo3 [r119]
 cChildWindow.cpp 2011-10-31 leo3 [r129]
 cChildWindow.h 2011-10-31 leo3 [r129]
 cColumnView.cpp 2011-10-31 leo3 [r130]
 cColumnView.h 2011-06-06 leo3 [r119]
 cComboBox.cpp 2011-06-06 leo3 [r119]
 cComboBox.h 2011-06-06 leo3 [r119]
 cCommandLink.cpp 2011-10-31 leo3 [r129]
 cCommandLink.h 2011-10-31 leo3 [r129]
 cFrame.cpp 2011-06-06 leo3 [r119]
 cFrame.h 2011-06-06 leo3 [r119]
 cGui.h 2011-06-06 leo3 [r128]
 cListBox.cpp 2011-06-06 leo3 [r119]
 cListBox.h 2011-06-06 leo3 [r119]
 cMarqueeProgressBar.cpp 2011-06-06 leo3 [r119]
 cMarqueeProgressBar.h 2011-06-06 leo3 [r119]
 cMenu.cpp 2011-05-23 leo3 [r114]
 cMenu.h 2011-06-06 leo3 [r119]
 cMenuItem.cpp 2011-06-06 leo3 [r119]
 cMenuItem.h 2011-06-06 leo3 [r119]
 cMenuSeparator.cpp 2011-04-12 leo3 [r113]
 cMenuSeparator.h 2011-06-06 leo3 [r119]
 cOpenGLView.cpp 2011-03-03 leo3 [r108]
 cOpenGLView.h 2011-06-06 leo3 [r119]
 cProgressBar.cpp 2011-05-23 leo3 [r114]
 cProgressbar.h 2011-06-06 leo3 [r119]
 cRadioBox.cpp 2011-05-23 leo3 [r114]
 cRadioBox.h 2011-06-06 leo3 [r119]
 cScrollBar.cpp 2011-06-06 leo3 [r119]
 cScrollBar.h 2011-06-06 leo3 [r119]
 cSliderBar.cpp 2011-10-31 leo3 [r129]
 cSliderBar.h 2011-10-31 leo3 [r129]
 cSplitButton.cpp 2011-06-06 leo3 [r119]
 cSplitButton.h 2011-06-06 leo3 [r119]
 cStatic.cpp 2011-10-31 leo3 [r130]
 cStatic.h 2011-06-06 leo3 [r119]
 cTextBox.cpp 2011-06-06 leo3 [r119]
 cTextBox.h 2011-06-06 leo3 [r119]
 cTimer.cpp 2011-05-23 leo3 [r114]
 cTimer.h 2011-06-06 leo3 [r119]
 cToolBar.cpp 2011-05-23 leo3 [r114]
 cToolBar.h 2011-06-06 leo3 [r119]
 cToolButton.cpp 2011-06-06 leo3 [r119]
 cToolButton.h 2011-06-06 leo3 [r119]
 cTreeView.cpp 2011-05-23 leo3 [r114]
 cTreeView.h 2011-06-06 leo3 [r119]
 cUserInput.cpp 2011-06-04 leo3 [r118]
 cUserInput.h 2011-06-04 leo3 [r118]
 cWindow.cpp 2011-10-31 leo3 [r130]
 cWindow.h 2011-10-31 leo3 [r129]

Read Me

//////////////////////      About         ///////////////////////////////

 This is a c++ object oriented graphical user interface library	written 
 for the win32 environment. The main goal is to make it simple to create
 and maintain a graphical user interface while not sacrificing speed or 
 memory. The main goal of cGui is to manage your controls in an object 
 oriented design. Even though this has only been tested to work on 
 win32( windows 32-bit versions ), it should compile with little effort 
 for win64( windows 64-bit ). I may later support both compilations,
 but only when the project is more finished.

 Any questions related to cGui-Library can be emailed to
 Links to project:
//////////////////////   Ides supported   ///////////////////////////////
 1. CodeBlocks 
 2. Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 with service pack 1 ( You must have service pack 1 ) 
 3. Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 
 This can be compiled with any recent gcc. If you do not have a recent gcc, 
 you probably need to build without unicode. I know some people still use 
 Dev-cpp and need to disable unicode since Dev-cpp includes an old version
 of gcc bundled by mingw. I do not have a dev-cpp project/solution. You
 will have to create your own. 

////////////////////// License/Copyright  ///////////////////////////////

 cGui library is free to use with some minor restrictions:
 1. You cannot claim you wrote this library 

 2. You need to give credit to cGui-Library through a readme file or
    displayed on your about section of your application with a link to the library

 3. Any derived work that directly affects the cgui library's code itself
    should be considered derived work 

 4. Any derived work must state it is a modified version 

 5. If you do derive the cGui library, please feel free to send the modified
    code if you're interested in getting it implemented in the main source. 

 6. cGui library's code is owned by the author of the cGui library. 

 All related project files are inside each project's folders. All c++ files 
 and headers files are outside in the main directory and in the Examples folder
 which is also in the main directory.

////////////////////// Setup Instructions ///////////////////////////////

	cGui builds as a static library.
	To include this library in your project, you must compile cGui
	to build the static library. Add the lib as a dependency to your 
	project and include the directory to the header files.

	Another way to setup your project inside of Microsoft Visual 
	studio 2010/2008sp1 is to include cGui as a project:

	01. Create a Win32 Console Application Project or Use an existing project of yours

	02. In the main menu go to File -> Open -> Project/Solution

	03. Navigate to your cgui-library directory

	04. Go inside the Visual Studio 2010/2008 folder

	05. Select cGui.sln

	06. Select "Add to Solution" at the bottom 

	07. click the "Open" button

	08. Right click your win32 console application project or your existing project in the 
	    Solution Explorer and click "Project Dependencies"

	09. Select cGui for a dependency

	10  Click the "Ok"button

	11. Right click your win32 console application project or your existing project in the 
	    Solution Explorer and click "References..."

	12. Click the button called "Add New Reference..."

	13. Select/click cGui if it is not selected by default

	14. Click the "Ok" button

	15. click "Configuration Properties" in the left pane window
	16. Select "All Configurations" in the combobox for Configuration 
	    located at the top left corner of the window

	17. In the left pane expand "Configuration Properties"
	18. Select "C/C++" in the left pand window	

	Note: If you can not find C/C++ in the left pane treeview window, you need to add a c++ file in your project, 
              so Visual studio knows you are using c++.

	19. Select "Additional Include Directories"

	20. Click the down arrow

	21. Select "<Edit...>" in the drop down box

	22. Press the folder icon button

	23. Press the "..." button

	24. Navigate to cgui-library directory

	25. Select cgui-library directory

	26. click the "Ok" button

	27. click the "Ok" button

	28. click the "apply" button

	29. click the "ok" button

	30. Now just add #include "cGui.h" in your console project

//////////////////////         Q&A        ///////////////////////////////

 Why did I create this library?
     I started creating this library because I wanted a true object oriented 
     program style that was simple to use for building a graphical user interface in c++.

 Will this stay free and why?
     This will stay free since I created this by what I learned/used freely.

 Why is all the code of cGui-Library owned by the author even if I were to add to it?
     Owning code that is added to another's code isn't very sane. It could lead to who
     owns "what" and I am avoiding that all together. I will place your name in the 
     credit's file and what you have contributed. If this isn't good enough, you can 
     always derive off of cGui, but it isn't recommended. If you feel you 
     must keep ownership of your code, please contact me.

 Are you interested in helping?
     I am looking for people with a very good knowledge of c++ and windows      
     programming. Contact me if you want to help, but only serious coders will be accepted.