
service counting error after setting maxcount

  • Jin-Kuen Lin

    Jin-Kuen Lin - 2012-04-04

    I try to set maxcount about some services by add lines in farm.xml.
    For example:
        <service name="amazon" maxcount="20"/>

    After "afcmd fload", service counting error in Watch.
    I have 10 jobs on one host, but the counting number is just 1, not 10.
    So the service count and maxcount are not work now, even if I reload the original farm.xml.

    How can I reset farm setting without restart afserver ?

    Thank you !

  • Jin-Kuen Lin

    Jin-Kuen Lin - 2012-04-04

       linux:  / max=1
       upload: 1 / max=1
       amazon: 16 / max=20
    Services Limits:
       amazon: Count = 8/20; Hosts = 1/-1
       upload: Count = 1/1; Hosts = 2/-

  • Timur Hairulin

    Timur Hairulin - 2012-04-04

    Hi. Sorry but i think i did not got you (i haven't understand what are you trying to do, and what is the result).
    But may be documentation (xml comments) are not complete.

    <service name="amazon" count="2"/> in <pattern> -  means that only 2 instances of an amazon service can be launched on hosts, which names match <mask>
    <service name="amazon" maxcount="20"/> in the top object ("<farm>") - means that 20 amazons can be launched on the entire farm no matter on the same host or not (it is a limit for the afserver, not for some host(s)).
    <service name="amazon" maxhosts="20"/> in the top object ("<farm>")  - means that only 10 hosts (and no matter what are their names) can run an amazon, and no matter how mush amazons were started on each of them.

    If it did not helped, you can put your farm.xml here, and explain more detailed, what are you trying to do.

    And also read this issue
    That bug already fixed, but only in sources, so until the new version, every custom service should have some icon to be shown correctly in  afwatch (it is only afwatch gui bug, server does care about any icons at all).

  • Timur Hairulin

    Timur Hairulin - 2012-04-04

    Hm. Can't repeat you situation.
    i minimized my farm xml to
       <service name="generic" maxcount="20"/>
       <pattern name="Some Host">
          <service name="generic" count="20"/>
    Changed every parameter and reload by "afcmd fload". Always counts were correct.
    Can you perform checks with some another "testing" afserver? (like me, on my work i have local afserver for it)
    And record minimum movements to repeat a bug.


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