
Jobs on linux farm machine not showing jobs

  • Zeph

    Zeph - 2012-03-31

    Hi, I am looking at the renders panel on afwatch. Normally, when the machines are running certain jobs, I would be able to see them listed. It is working fine for windows farm machine but the list of jobs is not showing on linux farm machine. The row expands when there are jobs running on that machine. In my case, the display row for that machine is expanded but no text displayed. Thanks.

  • Timur Hairulin

    Timur Hairulin - 2012-03-31

    Sorry, but i did not got you.
    Could you explain more detailed, please.
    And when it has happen? After upgrade from 1.6.0 to 1.6.1?
    I send my private contacts to discuss it in a more faster/comfortable way.

  • Zeph

    Zeph - 2012-04-02

    I have added a screencap here. For security reason I have censored the text. As you can see from the stars, the first machine is running 12 jobs. But none of them is showing up. The other 2 machines below are running 3 jobs each and you can see that there are 3 lines of jobs displayed (which I have censored) The difference between the machines is that the first one is Linux while the other 2 are Windows.

  • Zeph

    Zeph - 2012-04-02

    I just found that a render job submitted from linux machine but run on windows machine is not showing up as well. So maybe it is a cross platform issue?
    Windows job running on linux -> not showing
    Linux job running on windows -> not showing

  • Timur Hairulin

    Timur Hairulin - 2012-04-02

    That service has no icon. I will fix this bug in the next release. For now, you can create some icon for any custom service.
    ( on the machine where afwatch runs, in cgru/icons/software folder should be some .png )


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