
distributed rendering over the internet

Jf Sarazin
  • Jf Sarazin

    Jf Sarazin - 2014-08-31

    I'm trying to setup distributed rendering between two different networks linked by internet. I've forwarded 51000 and 51001 port to my server, and the distant computer can now register. It appears in the "renders" list. But when I start a job, the distant computer doesn't do its task. I got this error in log : "{
    "error": "Can't get file:\nc:/temp/afanasy\jobs\0\25.tmp.blendbcvcv\tasks\0.10\output\1.txt\nNo such file or directory\nCheck task log.\nIf there is 'update timeout' check firewall.\nClient should listen a port and server should be able to connect to it."

    But maybe afanasy can't work like this...


    Last edit: Jf Sarazin 2014-08-31
  • Timur Hairulin

    Timur Hairulin - 2014-08-31

    Hi. Afanasy clients listening a port too. When server wants render to do something, it connect to its open port.

  • Jf Sarazin

    Jf Sarazin - 2014-08-31

    So I should forward this port to my client computer? How can I know the port number?

  • Timur Hairulin

    Timur Hairulin - 2014-08-31

    By default client listens 50001 port:

    If you launch several clients (afrender and afwatch) and port is already bind, it tries to listen next free port. Client prints in stdout port number that it listens.

  • Jf Sarazin

    Jf Sarazin - 2014-08-31

    I've just found "port 51001" in the info of the renders computer. But... if I forward this port from my router to a computer, I can't use another computer on this network?

  • Timur Hairulin

    Timur Hairulin - 2014-08-31

    May be i did not got you enough...

    But, of course, you can't use one router and one port for several clients.
    ( but you can try to setup clients to use different ports and forward them all )

    I thing better to setup VPN for this.

  • Jf Sarazin

    Jf Sarazin - 2014-08-31

    I've forwaded 51001 port to my computer. It works now. So if I wan to add another computer, I add a new forward 51002 to the new computer?

  • Timur Hairulin

    Timur Hairulin - 2014-08-31

    yes, and setup its client to listen 51002

  • Jf Sarazin

    Jf Sarazin - 2014-08-31

    I'll try this! thanks a lot, you're solution is really helpfull, and it's a surprise to see someone answer so quickly.

  • Timur Hairulin

    Timur Hairulin - 2014-08-31

    better to ask questions here:
    this is an attempt to joint questions (users) from different sources, sourceforge, github, email, skype, linked-in and other forums


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