
Tree [b1a549] master /

HTTPS access

File Date Author Commit
 action 2014-04-26 digedag digedag [a90ee1] Change to apply code conventions
 cache 2014-04-26 digedag digedag [a90ee1] Change to apply code conventions
 doc 2007-12-12 digedag digedag [958c8b]
 exception 2014-04-26 digedag digedag [a90ee1] Change to apply code conventions
 filter 2014-04-26 digedag digedag [a90ee1] Change to apply code conventions
 maps 2014-04-26 digedag digedag [a90ee1] Change to apply code conventions
 misc 2009-02-20 digedag digedag [cd8743] Utils for date conversions
 mod 2014-04-26 digedag digedag [a90ee1] Change to apply code conventions
 model 2014-06-12 Christian Riesche Christian Riesche [bf0c86] setter Method for tablename im Base Model
 plot 2014-04-26 digedag digedag [a90ee1] Change to apply code conventions
 res 2008-11-06 digedag digedag [9d232f] Advanced rendering of DAM image fields.
 sv1 2014-04-26 digedag digedag [a90ee1] Change to apply code conventions
 tests 2014-06-11 Michael Wagner Michael Wagner [6e517e] Fixed MySQl error on to short like fields.
 util 2014-07-09 René Nitzsche René Nitzsche [b1a549] check of selected item changed
 view 2014-04-26 digedag digedag [a90ee1] Change to apply code conventions
 .gitignore 2013-01-19 digedag digedag [495f02] new class util_Math
 .project 2013-01-19 digedag digedag [fcb3d9] project
 ChangeLog 2014-06-20 René Nitzsche René Nitzsche [84207b] Changelog updated
 README.txt 2007-12-12 digedag digedag [958c8b]
 class.tx_rnbase.php 2014-04-26 digedag digedag [a90ee1] Change to apply code conventions
 class.tx_rnbase_configurations.php 2014-04-26 digedag digedag [a90ee1] Change to apply code conventions
 class.tx_rnbase_controller.php 2014-04-26 digedag digedag [a90ee1] Change to apply code conventions
 class.tx_rnbase_parameters.php 2014-04-26 digedag digedag [a90ee1] Change to apply code conventions
 ext_conf_template.txt 2014-01-31 Michael Wagner Michael Wagner [3cb8f3] Disable the substituteMarkerArrayCache per defa...
 ext_emconf.php 2014-04-26 digedag digedag [631aee] Version 0.14.1
 ext_icon.gif 2007-12-12 digedag digedag [958c8b]
 ext_localconf.php 2011-08-01 digedag digedag [3091c2] Always include tx_rnbase_util_Debug
 locallang.xml 2011-10-18 digedag digedag [7e01bc] Some more labels

Read Me

What is this extension for?

This library is based and includes many code of extension "lib". I wrote this extension 
because I don't like the code design of "lib". For my taste there is too much inheritance, too much 
dependency and unclear responsibilities between the used classes.

So what is changed?

Since I really like the base ideas of extension lib I took it and stripped it down. So the first 
player is class "controller". This is mainly the new plugin class that is the entrypoint of TYPO3. This 
class has no parent.

Since the controller-class should not be responsible for your business-logic this task is given to 
"Action-Classes". This is different to original "lib", that used "Action-Methods" instead. But this 
would lead to huge classes containing code for different task. But in OO-Programming small classes are 

This library does not make any expectations about your business model. So you can use anything you 
want. But notice that class tx_rnbase_util_DB has a nice feature: When you retrieve data from database 
you would normally get an result array (rows) of arrays (columns). But with tx_rnbase_util_DB you can 
provide a wrapper class for your database requests. And so for each result row, one instance of 
your wrapper is created and the result row is given as parameter.