

Certificate-helper is a utility desktop application written in Java designed and created to assist (mainly developers) in creating and viewing keystores and digital certificates. This is done via a Swing UI.

The current version supports the following:
1. Load a keystore and view its certificates
2. Extract private-public key pair of a keystore in PEM format
3. Create private credentials and store them in a keystore
4. Create private credentials (user can configure size of key) along with certificate signed by a key of the user’s choosing. I.e. it is possible to create certificates that are not self-signed but create hierarchies.
5. Create X.509 V3 certificates with extensions
6. User can configure the validity date of a certificate; so it is possible to create expired certificates or not yet valid certificates (can be useful during development testing)
7. Convert a certificate in PEM format (or view it in PEM format)
8. A light OCSP responder is build-into the tool (in beta yet). It responds to HTTP POST requests (only) for certificates consulting a status file configured and updated by the user. Can be used during development testing if no OCSP infrastructure is available.
9. Create a truststore from a collection of certificates the user chooses
10. Export certificates from a keystore
The keystores types supported are #PKCS12 and JKS

UPDATE: Certificate Helper migrates to eclipse

Certificate Helper has been migrated to eclipse in the latest version (v2.0) and has a new improved UI and additional features. Check it out and download the version corresponding to your UI

How Tos-Useful information

Please visit the Wiki pages for useful information on using certificate helper


  • The core functionality is supported via the Bouncy Castle library (http://www.bouncycastle.org/)
    The project also depends on the following frameworks:
  • Spring
  • Jetty Server
  • HyperSQL
  • Log4j
  • Nacho Calendar http://nachocalendar.sourceforge.net/


Send e-mail to efstathios_cryptohelper@yahoo.com

Certificate-Helper is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.


Certificate-Helper is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.