

Keith Ching


Find which genes are correlated with the selected gene(s).

HUGO : gene symbol(s) to correlate to (required)
EXPRESSION : source of expression data (required)
METADATA : optional
gene num results : number of genes to return (required) (default 25)
direction : both/positive/negative sign of correlation to return (default both)
gene scaling : whether to scale genes before correlation none/range/z-score (default none)
distance metric : how to calculate similarity correlation/euclidean/maximum/manhattan/canbera/binary (default correlation)
Plot heatmap : checkbox whether to plot a heatmap (default unchecked)
All TCGA : checkbox to calculate the same correlation across each and every TCGA dataset and summarize the results. (default unchecked)
colors for heatmap metadata: colors for metadata categories when plotting heatmap with meta data (default red blue green violet orange yellow black)
(Dev) Split dataset by metadata: (default unchecked) Do the correlation on each subset of data as defined by the metadata category. eg. LumA, LumB, Her2, Basal subtype. Generates a concatentated list of scores labelled by meta type. If heatmap, then one file with one heatmap for each meta type.

for technical details see: genefilter

Gentleman R, Carey V, Huber W and Hahne F. genefilter: genefilter: methods for filtering genes from high-throughput experiments. R package version 1.48.1.


Wiki: Instructions
Wiki: expression_list