

Keith Ching


Find which genes are statistically different between groups defined by cnv status.

HUGO :Enter gene in HUGO box (required)
EXPRESSION : source for expression data (required)
CNV SOURCE : source for CNV data (required)

Minimum size (KB) : the smallest fragment to use (default 10KB)
Max size (MB) : the largest fragment size to use (default 10MB)
group1 < : define first group as less than this mean segment value (default 1)
group2 >= : define second group as greater than or equal to this mean segment value (default 1)
num results : number of genes to return (default 25)
Plot heatmap : render a heat map if checked (default unchecked)
METADATA : choose metadata source and datatype to plot color bars across the heatmap. (optional)
Colors for heatmap metadata : if you want to change the order of the colors. (default red blue green violet orange yellow black)

Example Query: genes differentially expressed in PTCH1 deleted pediatric Medulloblastomas are characteristic of the SHH driven subgroup.


Wiki: Instructions