

Keith Ching
kras_cnv.png (300294 bytes)



Plot each CNV dataset in a barchart and stripchart. Viewing the CNV of a gene in the barchart format can tell you several qualities about the gene.
1. Is the gene ever amplified or deleted? ( if all the dots are within -0.5 to 0.5, then probably not)
2. What is the strength of the alteration? The typical range is -2 to 2, where values between -1 and 1 require more evaluation.
3. How specific is the alteration? Does it only occur in certain tissue types, or is it widespread?
4. Within a dataset, what proportion of the samples are altered?

HUGO : gene symbol to plot (required)
No need to choose dataset, it will plot all available datasets.

CNV-GIN for hugo symbol plots the CNV-GIN value across all datasets. Example Query
plot range is max 100. values outside this range are omitted, though present in the underlying data table.

Example Query


Wiki: Instructions