Celestic Community is a web based collaborative platform
to manage software projects. Celestic is an
GNU General Public Licensed.
Celestic Community requires a Apache web server,
PHP (5.0 or greater) and MySQL.
PHP 5.1.0 or above
MySQL 4.1+
Apache 2.0+
If you have troubles configuring Yii Framework path,
please check Celestic/index.php
This version of Celestic was created using yii-1.1.10.r3566
Once you have all set
You should be finished in a matter of minutes.
For better performance (email and I18N), don't forget to configure
params parameters in celestic/protected/config/main.php
If you think you have discovered a bug in Celestic Community you should
report it! We keep track of all bugs and features at
https://code.google.com/p/celestic-community/. Create an account and
report the bug with as much information to help us reproduce it.
If you would like to keep up with current Celestic Community news/happenings you can follow our Twitter account:
news/happenings going on in the Celestic Community development/community.