
Celestia status

  • James Connolly

    James Connolly - 2015-06-20

    Hi, I'm aware the forum has been absent for a long time.

    I've been an occasional contributor over the years: any chance it can be revived ?
    I promise I'll contribute lots.

    And regarding that: has Celestia development halted for good ?
    If so why ? I suppose the relevant parties moving on to new projects?

    But as the best solar system simulator I've seen, I would miss that.

    And so bravo for all the good work, I hope it isn't over - James

    • ross613

      ross613 - 2016-01-27

      So, James, how would you suggest we'd proceed? I think it would help if we could leverage more skill sets than only C++ developers. Would creation of an interface to the .NET Framework be a good move for certain features? (I think it would be, but we'd need to get some kind of interfacing project together for that.)

  • Lord Bharath Bhushan Lohray

    I have the same question. The last version is from June 2011. That is ancient in the computer world. Or is this like LaTeX? a mature project with not much to add...

    • peter gervai

      peter gervai - 2016-02-03

      Unfortunately it doesn't work that way. Systems and distributions are constantly moving over new libraries and other dependencies and code often should be updated, not just recompiled, to follow the library changes.
      It is a sad fact that Celestia has been removed from Debian due to upstream inactivity to follow incompatible library changes: right now I guess it wouldn't even compile.

  • Said Nassar

    Said Nassar - 2016-01-27

    This is so cool I hope this keeps going

  • Selden Ball

    Selden Ball - 2016-07-30

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